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Star Citizen Wiki

The bespoke Star Citizen and Squadron 42 wiki that punches above its weight class since 2016.

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May 4
Real-life events
1977 Star Wars Day. May 4th is internationally knows as the Star Wars day. It is celebrated on May 4th because of the phrase: ''May the Force be with you!''
Lore events
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Latest major update
Feature Description
Player Hair Update Updating the Star Citizen character customizer with 20 hairstyles from Squadron 42. This includes long hair, tied hair, and updates to existing short hairstyles.
New Derelict Settlements Settlements with both gameplay and social elements, spread throughout the Stanton wilderness using the Rastar tool.
Salvage - Structural
Vulture Salvaging Concept.jpg
Implementing the ability to transform large chunks of metal salvaged from ships into a refinable material. This will use the grinder systems aboard salvage ships like the Vulture and Reclaimer.
Inventory - Cargo Containers The feature will allow players to store items and smaller cargo containers in larger cargo containers.
Arena Commander: New Map - Bloodshot Ridge One of Stanton's new derelict settlements joins Arena Commander for all FPS Modes and all flight modes (excluding Classic Race & Pirate Swarm).
Arena Commander: New Map - Maker's Point A rough and stormy settlement on Hurston, Maker's Point makes its way to all FPS modes in Arena Commander.
Arena Commander: Multicrew & Spawn Locations Updating all maps to utilize a new Spawn Location system for spawn selection. This update also enables the long-awaited introduction of Multicrew to Squadron Battle, Pirate Swarm, Vanduul Swarm, Team Tank Battle, and Free Flight.
Aopoa San'tok.yāi
San'tok.yai Concept Skimming.jpg
Building, balancing, and implementing Aopoa's medium fighter, the San'tok.yāi, into the game.
Origin X1
X1 Concept.jpg
Building, implementing, and balancing Origin's hover bike, the X1, as a flight-ready vehicle.
Origin X1 Velocity
X1 Concept Velocity.jpg
Building, implementing, and balancing Origin's racing bike, the X1 Velocity, as a flight-ready vehicle.
Origin X1 Force
X1 Concept Force.jpg
Building, implementing, and balancing Origin's pathfinder bike, the X1, as a flight-ready vehicle.
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