In Star Citizen the Console can be accessed at any time by pressing the ~
This allows you to see the lines being actively written out to the game's log file as well as the ability to execute commands or modify certain command variables as listed out below.
Many command variables will have a simple enabled/disabled value represented by a 0 (disabled/off) or a 1 (enabled/on).
Command | Default Value | Description |
cig_peak_detection_enabled | 0 | |
cig_profile_auto_logging_capture_duration | 16 | |
cig_profile_auto_logging_enabled | 0 | |
cig_profile_auto_logging_enabled_during_level_load | 0 | |
cig_profile_auto_logging_enabled_frame_delay_after_level_load | 100 | |
cig_profile_auto_logging_max_captures | 5 | |
cig_profile_auto_logging_output_path | AutoPerfCaptures/AutoCapture | |
cig_profile_auto_logging_slow_frame_threshold | 10 | |
cig_profile_auto_logging_slow_frame_tolerance | 0.25 | |
cig_profile_auto_logging_slow_frame_window | 2 | |
cig_profile_etw_trace_enabled | 0 | |
cig_profile_json_summary_output | 0 | |
cig_profile_json_summary_output_name | json_summary/profile_log | |
cig_profile_log_path | StressTest/manual_profile | |
cig_profile_optick_file_output | 0 | |
cig_profile_optick_file_output_name | Opticks/StarEngine | |
cig_profile_optick_server_port | 31318 | |
cig_profile_sampling_rate | 1003 | |
e_ZoneSystemVerifyBounds | 0 | |
grpc_push_stresstest_subscriptions | 0 | |
g_friendManager.friendRequests | 1 | |
g_notifications.friendRequestsNotifications | 1 | |
g_notifications.restrictCommsCallsNotifications | 0 | |
g_notifications.restrictCurrencyTransferNotifications | 0 | |
g_notifications.restrictPartyInvitesNotifications | 0 | |
g_playerGroupManager.on_foot_partymarker_cull_distance | 1000 | |
g_playerGroupManager.on_vehicle_partymarker_cull_distance | 50000 | |
g_shield.ui_legacy_mfd_swap_recharge_and_delay | 0 | |
i_alwaysCountModifiersOnFailedAction | 1 | |
i_DumpDeviceInformation | Outputs information about registered input devices (mouse/keyboard/gamepads/eye trackers/etc). | |
mission_log_all_completed_missions | Displays a list of missions that you have completed. | |
pl_carryable.logClench | 0 | |
pl_dead.enableDownedKillOnDisconnect | 1 | |
pl_ground.debugDivergence | 1 | |
pl_ground.debugDivergenceGoTo | 0 | |
pl_mouse_reinverted_during_im | 1 | |
pl_pit.forceSoftwareCursor = 1 | forces the system to use the software cursor, helps with mouse issues when using remote desktop | |
pl_shopping.log | 0 | |
pl_shopping.trackPortTryOnRemoval.duration | 5000 | |
pl_shopping.trackPortTryOnRemoval.enabled | 0 | |
pl_staging.debug | 0 | |
pl_stranded.debug | 0 | |
pl_usable.enableExitRotationCorrection | 1 | |
pp_RebindKeys |
| |
pp_ResortDevices |
| |
quit | Exits game immediately back to desktop | |
q_ShaderCompute | 2 | |
q_ShaderFX | 2 | |
q_ShaderGeneral | 2 | |
q_ShaderGlass | 2 | |
q_ShaderParticle | 2 | |
q_ShaderPostProcess | 3 | |
q_ShaderProjectedDecal | 2 | |
q_ShaderProjectedWaterDecal | 1 | |
q_ShaderShadow | 2 | |
q_ShaderSky | 2 | |
q_ShaderWater | 2 | |
r.GI.Cache.JitterScale | 1 | |
r.GI.Cache.MinCellSize | 0.1 | |
r.GI.Cache.MinCellSizeDistance | 5 | |
r.GI.Cache.TemporalFilterSpeed.Direct | 0.1 | |
r.GI.Cache.TemporalFilterSpeed.Indirect | 0.01 | |
r.GI.Cache.Uncertainty.Decay | 0.3 | |
r.GI.Cache.Uncertainty.Sensitivity | 15 | |
r.GI.CubeCache.RaysPerUpdate | 4 | |
r.GI.CubeCache.TemporalFilterSpeed.Direct | 0.9 | |
r.GI.CubeCache.TemporalFilterSpeed.Indirect | 0.1 | |
r.GI.CubeCache.Uncertainty.Decay | 0.5 | |
r.GI.CubeCache.Uncertainty.Sensitivity | 15 | |
r.GI.CubeCache.UpdatesPerFrame | 65536 | |
r.GI.Specular.HalfRes | 1 | |
r.GI.Specular.Temporal | 1 | |
r.GI.Transparency.TemporalFilterSpeed | 0.1 | |
r.Shadows.ScreenSpace | 1 | |
r.Shadows.ScreenSpace.FadeCurve | 2 | |
r.Shadows.ScreenSpace.FadeStart | 0.8 | |
r.Shadows.ScreenSpace.Jittermult | 0.8 | |
r.Shadows.ScreenSpace.LightSizeThreshold | 0.8 | |
r.GI.CubeCache.RaysPerUpdate | 4 | |
r.GI.CubeCache.TemporalFilterSpeed.Direct | 0.9 | |
r.GI.CubeCache.TemporalFilterSpeed.Indirect | 0.1 | |
r.GI.CubeCache.Uncertainty.Decay | 0.5 | |
r.GI.CubeCache.Uncertainty.Sensitivity | 15 | |
r.GI.CubeCache.UpdatesPerFrame | 65536 | |
r.GI.Specular.HalfRes | 1 | |
r.GI.Specular.Temporal | 1 | |
r.GI.Transparency.TemporalFilterSpeed | 0.1 | |
r.Shadows.ScreenSpace | 1 | |
r.Shadows.ScreenSpace.FadeCurve | 2 | |
r.Shadows.ScreenSpace.FadeStart | 0.8 | |
r.ShadowS.ScreenSpace.JitterMult | 0.8 | |
r.Shadows.ScreenSpace.LightSizeThreshold | 0.8 | |
r.Shadows.ScreenSpace.MaxSamples | 64 | |
r.Shadows.ScreenSpace.MaxShadowTexelsTrace | 8 | |
r.Shadows.ScreenSpace.Quality | 3 | |
r.Shadows.ScreenSpace.RayLengthThresholdMult | 0.5 | |
r.Shadows.ScreenSpace.RayNumPixelsStep | 4 | |
r.TSR | 1 | |
r_DisplayInfo | 0 | 0 = Off
1 = Shows some basic information 2 = Shows additional info (Session, Shard ID, CPU load, etc) and everything above. 3 = Shows additional info (RAM, VRAM usage, etc.) and everything above. 4 = GPU Load stats and everything above. |
r_DisplaySessionInfo | 0 | When turned on (set to 1) a QR Code is displayed in the upper right corner which can be used by CIG to gain additional info during bug reports. |
r_enable_full_gpu_sync | 0 | Enabling this syncs the CPU with the GPU after every driver call. This means if one call crashes the GPU we know exactly which one it was, but this comes at a massive hit to performance.
It's very useful if someone can consistently reproduce a GPU crash. They can enable this setting just before the crash occurs and then submit the error report.[3] |
0 | Changed/Removed in 3.24.2 | |
512 | Changed/Removed in 3.24.2 | |
r_full_gpu_sync_timeout | 10 | |
2 | Changed/Removed in 3.24.2 | |
r_Gen12 | 2 | Setting for the new Gen12 renderer.
0 = Off (use old renderer) 1 = Hybrid old and new Gen12 renderer 2 = Gen12 renderer only Not available in 4.0 |
r_GetScreenShot | 0 | Capture a single screenshot (variable is set to 0 after capturing)[4]
1 = Take screenshot immediately 2 = Take screenshot 8 frames after resetting temporal effects |
r_GPUMarkers | 2 | |
524288 | Changed/Removed in 3.24.2 | |
r_HDRDisplayDeviceLimits | 1 | |
r_HDRDisplayMaxNits | 1500 | |
r_HDRDisplayOutput | 0 | |
r_HDRDisplayRefWhite | 200 | |
r_MotionBlur | 1 | 0 = Motion blur disabled
1 = Camera motion blur 2 = Camera and object motion blur 3 = Debug mode[4] |
r_profileGraph | 0 | |
r_RenderDocCapture | 0 | |
1 | Changed/Removed in 3.24.2 | |
0 | Changed/Removed in 3.24.2 | |
8192 | Changed/Removed in 3.24.2 | |
r_ssdo | 2 | Screen Space Directional Occlusion[5]
0 = Disabled 1 = Obscurance-based (very fast) 2 = Optimized horizon-based 3 = Reference horizon-based (very slow)[4] |
r_VSync | 1 | 0 = VSync disabled
1 = VSync enabled |
r_VSync_disablePIAdjustment | 1 | Toggles vertical sync time step adjust (if VSync is on).[4]
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled |
sys_maxFps | 99999 | Sets the max FPS.
sys_maxIdleFps | 60 | Limits the framerate while loading, in menu, or paused. |
sys_trap_silent_shutdowns | 0 | |
sys_vectored_handler | 0 | |
ui_localizationDebug.lengthScalar | 1 | |
ui_localizationDebug.mode | 0 | |
ui_localizationDebug.presetCharacter | 88 | |
v_debug_shop_operations | 0 | |
2 | Changed/Removed in 3.24.2 |
See also
- ↑ Create Export and Import Custom Profiles. Knowledge Base
- ↑ Create Export and Import Custom Profiles. Knowledge Base
- ↑ Enable Full Gpu Sync 2. Spectrum
- ↑ Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3
- ↑