December 29 is the 363rd day of the year (364th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. Two days remain until the end of the year.
Real-life events
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Lore events
2736 | Siege of Tiber ends: after four years of battle between the UEE and Vanduul, a Vanduul Kingship jumps into the Tiber system. Half of the UEE's forces are destroyed in the subsequent battle, and the Empire is forced to cede the system to the enemy.[1] Grand Admiral Tesca Halimeade, commanding officer of the UEE naval forces in Tiber, is killed in action. |
- ↑ Siege of Tiber. Galactapedia. Retrieved 2021-05-21
Months and days of the year
Months and days of the year
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