Function list |
This module is a helper module to be used by other modules; it may not designed to be invoked directly. See Star Citizen:Lua/Helper modules for a full list and more information. For a full list of modules using this helper click here
Function | Type | Use |
all( arr, [fn] ) | arr: any[] fn?: any -> boolean | Behaviour depends on the value of fn :
any( arr, [fn] ) | arr: any[] fn?: any -> boolean | Behaviour depends on the value of fn :
clean( arr ) | arr: any[] -> any[] | Recursively removes all metatables. |
clone( arr, [deep] ) | arr: any[] deep?: boolean -> any[] | Make a copy of the input table. Preserves metatables. |
contains( arr, val ) | arr: any[] val: any -> boolean | Check if arr contains val . |
containsAny( arr, t ) | arr: any[] t: any[] -> boolean | Check if arr contains any of the values in the table t . |
containsAll( arr, t ) | arr: any[] t: any[] -> boolean | Check if arr contains all values in the table t . |
convolve( x, y ) | x: number[] y: number[] -> number[] | Convolute two number arrays. |
condenseSparse( arr ) | arr: any[] -> any[] | Remove nil values from arr while preserving order. |
count( arr, fn ) | arr: any[] fn: any -> integer | Behaviour depends on value of val :
diff( arr, [order|1] ) | arr: number[] order?: number -> number[] | Differentiates arr . The length of the result is #arr - order long. |
each( arr, fn ) | arr: any[] fn: fun(elem: any, i?: integer) | Loops over the array part of arr and passes each element as the first argument to fn . This function returns nothing. |
filter( arr, fn ) | arr: any[] fn: fun(elem: any, i?: integer): boolean -> any[] | Makes a copy of arr with only elements for which fn returned true. |
find( arr, fn, [default] ) | arr: any[] fn: any default?: any -> any?, integer? | Behaviour depends on the value of fn :
find_index( arr, fn, [default] ) | arr: any[] fn: any default?: any -> integer? | Behaviour depends on the value of fn :
get( arr, indexes ) | arr: any[] indexes: integer|integer[] -> any[] | Extracts a subset of arr . |
int( arr, [start|1], [stop|#arr] ) | arr: number[] start?: number stop?: number -> number[] | Integrates arr from index start to stop . Effectively does <math>\left\{\sum^{n}_{start}{arr[n]} \,\Bigg |
intersect( arr1, arr2 ) | arr1: any[] arr2: any[] -> any[] | Returns an array with elements that are present in both tables. |
intersects( arr1, arr2 ) | arr1: any[] arr2: any[] -> boolean | Checks if the two inputs have at least one element in common. |
insert( arr, val, [index], [unpackVal] ) OR insert( arr, val, [unpackVal] ) | arr: any[] val: any index?: integer unpackVal?: boolean -> any[] | Inserts values into arr . If val is an array and unpackVal is true then the individual elements of val are inserted. index is the location to start the insertion. Default is at the end of arr . |
last( arr ) | arr: any[] -> any | Returns the last element of arr . |
len( arr ) | arr: any[] -> integer | Returns the length of the array but it also works on proxy arrays like mw.loadData or mw.loadJsonData. |
map( arr, fn ) | arr: any[] fn: fun(elem: any, i?: integer): any -> any[] | Returns a new table were each element of arr is modified by fn . |
max_by( arr, fn ) | arr: any[] fn: fun(elem: any): any -> any, integer | Find the element for which fn returned the largest value. The returned value of fn needs to be comparable using the < operator. Returns three values: The element with the largest fn value, its fn result, and its index. |
max( arr ) | arr: any[] -> any, integer | Find the largest value in the array. The values need to be comparable using the < operator. Returns two values: the element and its index. |
min( arr ) | arr: any[] -> any, integer | Find the smallest value in the array. The values need to be comparable using the < operator. Returns two values: the element and its index. |
new( [arr|{}] ) | arr?: any[] -> any[] | Turn the input table into an Array. This makes it possible to use the colon : operator to access the Array methods. It also enables the use of math operators with the array.
local x ={ 1, 2, 3 }
local y = arr{ 4, 5, 6 } -- Alternative notation
mw.logObject( -x ) --> { -1, -2, -3 }
mw.logObject( x + 2 ) --> { 3, 4, 5 }
mw.logObject( x - 2 ) --> { -1, 0, 1 }
mw.logObject( x * 2 ) --> { 2, 4, 6 }
mw.logObject( x / 2 ) --> { 0.5, 1, 1.5 }
mw.logObject( x ^ 2 ) --> { 1, 4, 9 }
mw.logObject( x + y ) --> { 5, 7, 9 }
mw.logObject( x .. y ) --> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }
mw.logObject( (x .. y):reject{3, 4, 5} ) --> { 1, 2, 6 }
mw.logObject( x:sum() ) --> 6
mw.logObject( x:update( {1, 3}, y:get{2, 3} * 2 ) ) --> { 10, 2, 12 }
newIncrementor( [start|1], [step|1] ) | start?: number step?: number -> Incrementor | Returns a new incrementor function. Every time this incrementor function is called it returns a number step higher than the previous call. The current value can be obtained with inc.n or set inc.n = number where inc is an incrementor function. The step size can be changed with inc.step = number . |
range( stop ) OR range( start, stop, [step|1] ) | start: number stop: number step?: number -> number[] | Returns a table containing a sequence of numbers from start to stop (both inclusive if ints, end-exclusive if floats) by step . range(4) produces {1, 2, 3, 4} (start defaults to 1 ). range(0, 4) produces {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} . When step is given, it specifies the increment (or decrement). |
reduce( arr, fn, [accumulator|arr[1]] ) | arr: any[] fn: fun(elem: any, acc: any, i?: integer): any accumulator?: any -> any | Condenses the array into a single value.
For each element If no local t = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
local sum = arr.reduce( t, function(elem, acc) return acc + elem end ) -- sum == 10
reject( arr, val ) | arr: any[] val: any -> any[] | Make a copy off arr with certain values removed.
Behaviour for different values of
rep( val, n ) | val: any n: number -> any[] | Returns a table with n copies of val. |
scan( arr, fn, [accumulator|arr[1]] ) | arr: any[] fn: fun(elem: any, acc: any, i?: integer): any accumulator?: any -> any[] | Condenses the array into a single value while saving every accumulator value.
For each element If no local t = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
local x = arr.scan( t, function(elem, acc) return acc + elem end ) -- x = { 1, 3, 6, 10 }
set( arr, indexes, values ) | arr: any[] indexes: integer|integer[] values: any|any[] -> any[] | Update a range of index with a range of values.
If if only one value is given but multiple indexes than that value is set for all those indexes. Ifvalues is a table then it must of the same length as indexes . |
slice( arr, [start|1], [stop|#arr] ) OR slice( arr, stop ) | arr: any[] start?: number stop?: number -> any[] | Returns a table containing all the elements of arr between the start and stop indices. The start and stop indices are inclusive. If start or stop are negative values then they are referenced to the end of the table. |
split( arr, index ) | arr: any[] index: number -> any[], any[] | Split arr into two arrays. Retuns two tables. The first contains elements from [1, index], and the second from [index + 1, #arr]. |
sum( arr ) | arr: number[] -> number | Returns the sum of all elements of arr . |
take( arr, count, [start|1] ) | arr: any[] count: number start?: number -> any[] | Extract a subtable from arr of count elements long starting from the start index. |
take_every( arr, n, [start|1], [count|#arr] ) | arr: any[] n: integer start?: integer count?: integer -> any[] | Extract a subtable from arr .
local t = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }
local x = arr.take_every( t, 2 ) --> x = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 }
local x = arr.take_every( t, 2, 3 ) --> x = { 3, 5, 7, 9 }
local x = arr.take_every( t, 2, 3, 2 ) --> x = { 3, 5 }
unique( arr, [fn] ) | arr: any[] fn?: fun(elem: any): any -> any[] | Return a new table with all duplicates removed. fn is an optional function to generate an id for each element. The result will then contain elements that generated unique ids. The order of first occurance is preserved. |
zip( ... ) | ...any[] -> any[][] | Combine elements with the same index from multiple arrays.
local x = {1, 2, 3}
local y = {4, 5, 6, 7}
local z = x, y ) --> z = { { 1, 4 }, { 2, 5 }, { 3, 6 }, { 7 } }
local arr = require( 'Module:Array' )
local x = arr{1, 2, 3, 4, 10}
local y = arr{'a', 'b', 'b', 1}
arr.any( x, function( item ) return item == 3 end ) --> true
arr.all( y, function( item ) return type( item ) == 'string' end ) --> false x, function( item ) return item * 2 end ) --> { 2, 4, 6, 8, 20 }
arr.filter( y, function( item ) return type( item ) == 'string' end ) --> { "a", "b", "b" }
arr.reject( y, function( item ) return type( item ) == 'string' end ) --> { 1 }
arr.find( x, function( item ) return item > 5 end ) --> 10, 5
arr.find_index( y, function( item ) return type( item ) ~= 'string' end ) --> 4
arr.max_by( x, function( item ) return item * 2 end ) --> 10, 20, 5
arr.reduce( x, function( item, acc ) return acc + item*item end, 5 ) --> 135
arr.range( 10, 1, -3 ) --> { 10, 7, 4, 1 }
arr.scan( x, function( item, acc ) return acc + item*item end, 5 ) --> { 6, 10, 19, 35, 135 }
arr.slice( x, 2, 4 ) --> { 2, 3, 4 }
arr.split( x, 2 ) --> { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4, 10 }
arr.sum( x ) --> 20
arr.take( x, 2 ) --> { 1, 2 }
arr.take_every( x, 2 ) --> { 1, 3, 10 }
arr.unique( y ) --> { "a", "b", 1 } x, y, {20, 30} ) --> { { 1, "a", 20 }, { 2, "b", 30 }, { 3, "b" }, { 4, 1 }, { 10 } }
arr.intersect( x, y ) --> { 1 }
arr.intersects( x, y ) --> true
arr.contains({ 1, 2, 3}, 3) --> true
arr.diff( x ) --> { 1, 1, 1, 6 } x ) --> { 1, 3, 6, 10, 20 }
arr.insert( x, y, 3 ) --> { 1, 2, { "a", "b", "b", 1 }, 3, 4, 10 }
inc = arr.newIncrementor( 10, 5 )
print( inc() ) --> 10
print( inc() ) --> 15
-- Imported from:
local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil')
local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType
local checkTypeMulti = libraryUtil.checkTypeMulti
---@class Array
---@operator call(any[]): Array
---@operator concat(any[]): Array
---@operator concat(number|string|function): string
---@operator unm: Array
---@operator add(number|number[]|Array): Array
---@operator sub(number|number[]|Array): Array
---@operator mul(number|number[]|Array): Array
---@operator div(number|number[]|Array): Array
---@operator pow(number|number[]|Array): Array
local Array = {
pop = table.remove
Array.__index = Array
setmetatable(Array, {
__index = table,
__call = function (_, arr)
-- function Array.__tostring(arr)
-- -- local dumpObject = require('Module:Logger').dumpObject
-- require 'log'
-- local dumpObject = dumpObject
-- local mt = getmetatable(arr)
-- setmetatable(arr, nil)
-- local str = dumpObject(arr, {clean=true, collapseLimit=100})
-- setmetatable(arr, mt)
-- return str
-- end
function Array.__concat(lhs, rhs)
if type(lhs) == 'table' and type(rhs) == 'table' then
local res = {}
for i = 1, #lhs do
res[i] = lhs[i]
local l = #lhs
for i = 1, #rhs do
res[i + l] = rhs[i]
return setmetatable(res, getmetatable(lhs) or getmetatable(rhs))
return tostring(lhs) .. tostring(rhs)
function Array.__unm(arr)
return, function(x) return -x end)
---@param lhs number|number[]|Array
---@param rhs number|number[]|Array
---@param funName string
---@param opName string
---@param fun fun(lhs: number, rhs: number): number
---@return Array
local function mathTemplate(lhs, rhs, funName, opName, fun)
checkTypeMulti('Module:Array.' .. funName, 1, lhs, {'number', 'table'})
checkTypeMulti('Module:Array.' .. funName, 2, rhs, {'number', 'table'})
local res = {}
if type(lhs) == 'number' then
for i = 1, #rhs do
res[i] = fun(lhs, rhs[i])
elseif type(rhs) == 'number' then
for i = 1, #lhs do
res[i] = fun(lhs[i], rhs)
assert(#lhs == #rhs, string.format('Elementwise %s failed because arrays have different sizes (left: %d, right: %d)', opName, #lhs, #rhs))
for i = 1, #lhs do
res[i] = fun(lhs[i], rhs[i])
return setmetatable(res, getmetatable(lhs) or getmetatable(rhs))
function Array.__add(lhs, rhs)
return mathTemplate(lhs, rhs, '__add', 'addition', function(x, y) return x + y end)
function Array.__sub(lhs, rhs)
return mathTemplate(lhs, rhs, '__sub', 'substraction', function(x, y) return x - y end)
function Array.__mul(lhs, rhs)
return mathTemplate(lhs, rhs, '__mul', 'multiplication', function(x, y) return x * y end)
function Array.__div(lhs, rhs)
return mathTemplate(lhs, rhs, '__div', 'division', function(x, y) return x / y end)
function Array.__pow(lhs, rhs)
return mathTemplate(lhs, rhs, '__pow', 'exponentiation', function(x, y) return x ^ y end)
function Array.__eq(lhs, rhs)
if #lhs ~= #rhs then
return false
for i = 1, #lhs do
if lhs[i] ~= rhs[i] then
return false
return true
---Behaviour depends on the value of `fn`:
---* `nil` - Checks that the array doesn't contain any **false** elements.
---* `fun(elem: any, i?: integer): boolean` - Returns **true** if `fn` returns **true** for every element.
---* `number` | `table` | `boolean` - Checks that all elements in `arr` are equal to this value.
---@param arr any[]
---@param fn? any
---@return boolean
function Array.all(arr, fn)
checkType('Module:Array.all', 1, arr, 'table')
if fn == nil then fn = function(item) return item end end
if type(fn) ~= 'function' then
local val = fn
fn = function(item) return item == val end
local i = 1
while arr[i] ~= nil do
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: redundant-parameter
if not fn(arr[i], i) then
return false
i = i + 1
return true
---Behaviour depends on the value of `fn`:
---* `nil` - Checks that the array contains at least one non **false** element.
---* `fun(elem: any, i?: integer): boolean` - Returns **true** if `fn` returns **true** for at least one element.
---* `number` | `table` | `boolean` - Checks that `arr` contains this value.
---@param arr any[]
---@param fn? any
---@return boolean
function Array.any(arr, fn)
checkType('Module:Array.any', 1, arr, 'table')
if fn == nil then fn = function(item) return item end end
if type(fn) ~= 'function' then
local val = fn
fn = function(item) return item == val end
local i = 1
while arr[i] ~= nil do
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: redundant-parameter
if fn(arr[i], i) then
return true
i = i + 1
return false
---Recursively removes all metatables.
---@param arr any[]
---@return any[]
function Array.clean(arr)
checkType('Module:Array.clean', 1, arr, 'table')
for i = 1, #arr do
if type(arr[i]) == 'table' then
setmetatable(arr, nil)
return arr
---Make a copy of the input table. Preserves metatables.
---@generic T: any[]
---@param arr T
---@param deep? boolean # Recursively clone subtables if **true**.
---@return T
function Array.clone(arr, deep)
checkType('Module:Array.clone', 1, arr, 'table')
checkType('Module:Array.clone', 2, deep, 'boolean', true)
local res = {}
for i = 1, #arr do
if deep == true and type(arr[i]) == 'table' then
res[i] = Array.clone(arr[i], true)
res[i] = arr[i]
return setmetatable(res, getmetatable(arr))
---Check if `arr` contains `val`.
---@param arr any[]
---@param val any
---@return boolean
function Array.contains(arr, val)
checkType('Module:Array.contains', 1, arr, 'table')
for i = 1, #arr do
if arr[i] == val then
return true
return false
---Check if `arr` contains any of the values in the table `t`.
---@param arr any[]
---@param t any[]
---@return boolean
function Array.containsAny(arr, t)
checkType('Module:Array.containsAny', 1, arr, 'table')
checkType('Module:Array.containsAny', 2, t, 'table')
local lookupTbl = {}
for i = 1, #t do
lookupTbl[t[i]] = true
for i = 1, #arr do
if lookupTbl[arr[i]] then
return true
return false
---Check if `arr` contains all values in the table `t`.
---@param arr any[]
---@param t any[]
---@return boolean
function Array.containsAll(arr, t)
checkType('Module:Array.containsAll', 1, arr, 'table')
checkType('Module:Array.containsAll', 2, t, 'table')
local lookupTbl = {}
local l = #t
local trueCount = 0
for i = 1, l do
lookupTbl[t[i]] = false
for i = 1, #arr do
if lookupTbl[arr[i]] == false then
lookupTbl[arr[i]] = true
trueCount = trueCount + 1
if trueCount == l then
return true
return false
---Convolute two number arrays.
---@generic T: number[]
---@param x T
---@param y T
---@return T
function Array.convolve(x, y)
checkType('Module:Array.convolve', 1, x, 'table')
checkType('Module:Array.convolve', 2, y, 'table')
local z = {}
local xLen, yLen = #x, #y
for j = 1, (xLen + yLen - 1) do
local sum = 0
for k = math.max(1, j - yLen + 1), math.min(xLen, j) do
sum = sum + x[k] * y[j-k+1]
z[j] = sum
return setmetatable(z, getmetatable(x) or getmetatable(y))
---Remove **nil** values from `arr` while preserving order.
---@generic T: any[]
---@param arr T
---@return T
function Array.condenseSparse(arr)
checkType('Module:Array.condenseSparse', 1, arr, 'table')
local keys = {}
local res = {}
local l = 0
for k in pairs(arr) do
l = l + 1
keys[l] = k
for i = 1, l do
res[i] = arr[keys[i]]
return setmetatable(res, getmetatable(arr))
---Behaviour depends on value of `val`:
---* `nil` - Counts the number of non **false** elements.
---* `fun(elem: any): boolean` - Count the number of times the function returned **true**.
---* `boolean` | `number` | `table` - Counts the number of times this value occurs in `arr`.
---@param arr any[]
---@param val? any
---@return integer
function Array.count(arr, val)
checkType('Module:Array.count', 1, arr, 'table')
if val == nil then val = function(item) return item end end
if type(val) ~= 'function' then
local _val = val
val = function(item) return item == _val end
local count = 0
for i = 1, #arr do
if val(arr[i]) then
count = count + 1
return count
---Differentiate the array
---@generic T: number[]
---@param arr T
---@param order number? # Oder of the differentiation. Default is 1.
---@return T # Length is `#arr - order`
function Array.diff(arr, order)
checkType('Module:Array.diff', 1, arr, 'table')
checkType('Module:Array.diff', 2, order, 'number', true)
local res = {}
for i = 1, #arr - 1 do
res[i] = arr[i+1] - arr[i]
if order and order > 1 then
return Array.diff(res, order - 1)
return setmetatable(res, getmetatable(arr))
---Loops over `arr` and passes each element as the first argument to `fn`. This function returns nothing.
---@param arr any[]
---@param fn fun(elem: any, i?: integer)
function Array.each(arr, fn)
checkType('Module:Array.each', 1, arr, 'table')
checkType('Module:Array.each', 2, fn, 'function')
local i = 1
while arr[i] ~= nil do
fn(arr[i], i)
i = i + 1
---Makes a copy of `arr` with only elements for which `fn` returned **true**.
---@generic T: any[]
---@param arr T
---@param fn fun(elem: any, i?: integer): boolean
---@return T
function Array.filter(arr, fn)
checkType('Module:Array.filter', 1, arr, 'table')
checkType('Module:Array.filter', 2, fn, 'function')
local r = {}
local len = 0
local i = 1
while arr[i] ~= nil do
if fn(arr[i], i) then
len = len + 1
r[len] = arr[i]
i = i + 1
return setmetatable(r, getmetatable(arr))
---Find the first elements for which `fn` returns **true**.
---@param arr any[]
---@param fn any # A value to look for or a function of the form `fun(elem: any, i?: integer): boolean`.
---@param default? any # Value to return if no element passes the test.
---@return any? elem # The first element that passed the test.
---@return integer? i # The index of the item that passed the test.
function Array.find(arr, fn, default)
checkType('Module:Array.find', 1, arr, 'table')
checkTypeMulti('Module:Array.find_index', 2, fn, {'function', 'table', 'number', 'boolean'})
if type(fn) ~= 'function' then
local _val = fn
fn = function(item) return item == _val end
local i = 1
while arr[i] ~= nil do
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: redundant-parameter
if fn(arr[i], i) then
return arr[i], i
i = i + 1
return default, nil
---Find the index of `val`.
---@param arr any[]
---@param val any # A value to look for or a function of the form `fun(elem: any, i?: integer): boolean`.
---@param default? any # Value to return if no element passes the test.
---@return integer?
function Array.find_index(arr, val, default)
checkType('Module:Array.find_index', 1, arr, 'table')
checkTypeMulti('Module:Array.find_index', 2, val, {'function', 'table', 'number', 'boolean'})
if type(val) ~= 'function' then
local _val = val
val = function(item) return item == _val end
local i = 1
while arr[i] ~= nil do
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: redundant-parameter
if val(arr[i], i) then
return i
i = i + 1
return default
---Extracts a subset of `arr`.
---@generic T: any[]
---@param arr T
---@param indexes integer|integer[] # Indexes of the elements.
---@return T
function Array.get(arr, indexes)
checkType('Module:Array.set', 1, arr, 'table')
checkTypeMulti('Module:Array.set', 2, indexes, {'table', 'number'})
if type(indexes) == 'number' then
indexes = {indexes}
local res = {}
for i = 1, #indexes do
res[i] = arr[indexes[i]]
return setmetatable(res, getmetatable(arr))
---Integrates the array. Effectively does $\left\{\sum^{n}_{start}{arr[n]} \,\Bigg|\, n \in [start, stop]\right\}$.
---@generic T: number[]
---@param arr T # number[]
---@param start? integer # Index where to start the summation. Defaults to 1.
---@param stop? integer # Index where to stop the summation. Defaults to #arr.
---@return T
function, start, stop)
checkType('', 1, arr, 'table')
checkType('', 2, start, 'number', true)
checkType('', 3, stop, 'number', true)
local res = {}
start = start or 1
stop = stop or #arr
res[1] = arr[start]
for i = 1, stop - start do
res[i+1] = res[i] + arr[start + i]
return setmetatable(res, getmetatable(arr))
---Returns an array with elements that are present in both tables.
---@generic T: any[]
---@param arr1 T
---@param arr2 T
---@return T
function Array.intersect(arr1, arr2)
checkType('Module:Array.intersect', 1, arr1, 'table')
checkType('Module:Array.intersect', 2, arr2, 'table')
local arr2Elements = {}
local res = {}
local len = 0
Array.each(arr2, function(item) arr2Elements[item] = true end)
Array.each(arr1, function(item)
if arr2Elements[item] then
len = len + 1
res[len] = item
return setmetatable(res, getmetatable(arr1) or getmetatable(arr2))
---Checks if the two inputs have at least one element in common.
---@param arr1 any[]
---@param arr2 any[]
---@return boolean
function Array.intersects(arr1, arr2)
checkType('Module:Array.intersects', 1, arr1, 'table')
checkType('Module:Array.intersects', 2, arr2, 'table')
local small = {}
local large
if #arr1 <= #arr2 then
Array.each(arr1, function(item) small[item] = true end)
large = arr2
Array.each(arr2, function(item) small[item] = true end)
large = arr1
return Array.any(large, function(item) return small[item] end)
---Inserts values into `arr`.
---@generic T: any[]
---@param arr T
---@param val any # If `val` is an array and `unpackVal` is **true** then the individual elements of `val` are inserted.
---@param index? integer # Location to start the insertion. Default is at the end of `arr`.
---@param unpackVal? boolean # Default is **false**.
---@return T
---@overload fun(arr: T, val: any, unpackVal: boolean): T
function Array.insert(arr, val, index, unpackVal)
checkType('Module:Array.insert', 1, arr, 'table')
checkTypeMulti('Module:Array.insert', 3, index, {'number', 'boolean', 'nil'})
checkType('Module:Array.insert', 4, unpackVal, 'boolean', true)
if type(index) == 'boolean' then
unpackVal, index = index, nil
local len = #arr
index = index or (len + 1)
local mt = getmetatable(arr)
setmetatable(arr, nil)
if type(val) == 'table' and unpackVal then
local len2 = #val
for i = 0, len - index do
arr[len + len2 - i] = arr[len - i]
for i = 0, len2 - 1 do
arr[index + i] = val[i + 1]
table.insert(arr, index, val)
return setmetatable(arr, mt)
---Returns the last element of `arr`.
---@param arr any[]
---@param offset? integer
---@return any
function Array.last(arr, offset)
checkType('Module:Array.last', 1, arr, 'table')
checkType('Module:Array.last', 2, offset, 'number', true)
return arr[#arr + offset]
---Returns a new table were each element of `arr` is modified by `fn`.
---@generic T: any[]
---@param arr T
---@param fn fun(elem: any, i?: integer): any # First argument is the current element, the second argument is the index of the current element.
---@return T
function, fn)
checkType('', 1, arr, 'table')
checkType('', 2, fn, 'function')
local len = 0
local r = {}
local i = 1
while arr[i] ~= nil do
local tmp = fn(arr[i], i)
if tmp ~= nil then
len = len + 1
r[len] = tmp
i = i + 1
return setmetatable(r, getmetatable(arr))
---Find the element for which `fn` returned the largest value.
---@param arr any[]
---@param fn fun(elem: any): any # The returned value needs to be comparable using the `<` operator.
---@return any elem # The element with the largest `fn` value.
---@return integer i # The index of this element.
function Array.max_by(arr, fn)
checkType('Module:Array.max_by', 1, arr, 'table')
checkType('Module:Array.max_by', 2, fn, 'function')
return unpack(Array.reduce(arr, function(new, old, i)
local y = fn(new)
return y > old[2] and {new, y, i} or old
end, {nil, -math.huge}))
---Find the largest value in the array.
---@param arr any[] # The values need to be comparable using the `<` operator.
---@return any elem
---@return integer i # The index of the largest value.
function Array.max(arr)
checkType('Module:Array.max', 1, arr, 'table')
local val, _, i = Array.max_by(arr, function(x) return x end)
return val, i
---Find the smallest value in the array.
---@param arr any[] # The values need to be comparable using the `<` operator.
---@return any elem
---@return integer i # The index of the smallest value.
function Array.min(arr)
checkType('Module:Array.min', 1, arr, 'table')
local val, _, i = Array.max_by(arr, function(x) return -x end)
return val, i
---Turn the input table into an Array. This makes it possible to use the colon `:` operator to access the Array methods.
---It also enables the use of math operators with the array.
---local x ={ 1, 2, 3 }
---local y = arr{ 4, 5, 6 } -- Alternative notation
---print( -x ) --> { -1, -2, -3 }
---print( x + 2 ) --> { 3, 4, 5 }
---print( x - 2 ) --> { -1, 0, 1 }
---print( x * 2 ) --> { 2, 4, 6 }
---print( x / 2 ) --> { 0.5, 1, 1.5 }
---print( x ^ 2 ) --> { 1, 4, 9 }
---print( x + y ) --> { 5, 7, 9 }
---print( x .. y ) --> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }
---print( (x .. y):reject{3, 4, 5} ) --> { 1, 2, 6 }
---print( x:sum() ) --> 6
---print( x:update( {1, 3}, y:get{2, 3} * 2 ) ) --> { 10, 2, 12 }
---@param arr? any[]
---@return Array
local obj = arr or {}
for _, v in pairs(obj) do
if type(v) == 'table' then
if getmetatable(obj) == nil then
setmetatable(obj, Array)
return obj
---Creates an object that returns a value that is `step` higher than the previous value each time it gets called.
---The stored value can be read without incrementing by reading the `val` field.
---A new stored value can be set through the `val` field.
---A new step size can be set through the `step` field.
---local inc = arr.newIncrementor(10, 5)
---print( inc() ) --> 10
---print( inc() ) --> 15
---print( inc.val ) --> 15
---inc.val = 100
---inc.step = 20
---print( inc.val ) --> 100
---print( inc() ) --> 120
---@param start? number # Default is 1.
---@param step? number # Default is 1.
---@return Incrementor
function Array.newIncrementor(start, step)
checkType('Module:Array.newIncrementor', 1, start, 'number', true)
checkType('Module:Array.newIncrementor', 2, step, 'number', true)
step = step or 1
local n = (start or 1) - step
---@class Incrementor
local obj = {}
return setmetatable(obj, {
__call = function() n = n + step return n end,
__tostring = function() return n end,
__index = function() return n end,
__newindex = function(self, k, v)
if k == 'step' and type(v) == 'number' then
step = v
elseif type(v) == 'number' then
n = v
__concat = function(x, y) return tostring(x) .. tostring(y) end
---Returns a range of numbers.
---@param start number # Start value inclusive.
---@param stop number # Stop value inclusive for integers, exclusive for floats.
---@param step? number # Default is 1.
---@return Array
---@overload fun(stop: number): Array
function Array.range(start, stop, step)
checkType('Module:Array.range', 1, start, 'number')
checkType('Module:Array.range', 2, stop, 'number', true)
checkType('Module:Array.range', 3, step, 'number', true)
local arr = {}
local len = 0
if not stop then
stop = start
start = 1
for i = start, stop, step or 1 do
len = len + 1
arr[len] = i
return setmetatable(arr, Array)
---Condenses the array into a single value.
---For each element `fn` is called with the current element, the current accumulator, and the current element index. The returned value of `fn` becomes the accumulator for the next element.
---If no `accumulator` value is given at the start then the first element off `arr` becomes the accumulator and the iteration starts from the second element.
---local t = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
---local sum = arr.reduce( t, function(elem, acc) return acc + elem end ) -- sum == 10
---@param arr any[]
---@param fn fun(elem: any, acc: any, i?: integer): any # The result of this function becomes the `acc` for the next element.
---@param accumulator? any
---@return any # This is the last accumulator value.
function Array.reduce(arr, fn, accumulator)
checkType('Module:Array.reduce', 1, arr, 'table')
checkType('Module:Array.reduce', 2, fn, 'function')
local acc = accumulator
local i = 1
if acc == nil then
acc = arr[1]
i = 2
while arr[i] ~= nil do
acc = fn(arr[i], acc, i)
i = i + 1
return acc
---Make a copy off `arr` with certain values removed.
---Behaviour for different values of `val`:
---* `boolean` | `number` - Remove values equal to this.
---* `table` - Remove all values in this table.
---* `fun(elem: any, i?: integer): boolean` - Remove elements for which the functions returns **true**.
---@generic T: any[]
---@param arr T
---@param val table|function|number|boolean
---@return T
function Array.reject(arr, val)
checkType('Module:Array.reject', 1, arr, 'table')
checkTypeMulti('Module:Array.reject', 2, val, {'function', 'table', 'number', 'boolean'})
if type(val) ~= 'function' and type(val) ~= 'table' then
val = {val}
local r = {}
local len = 0
if type(val) == 'function' then
local i = 1
while arr[i] ~= nil do
if not val(arr[i], i) then
len = len + 1
r[len] = arr[i]
i = i + 1
local rejectMap = {}
Array.each(val --[[@as any[] ]], function(item) rejectMap[item] = true end)
local i = 1
while arr[i] ~= nil do
if not rejectMap[arr[i]] then
len = len + 1
r[len] = arr[i]
i = i + 1
return setmetatable(r, getmetatable(arr))
---Returns an Array with `val` repeated `n` times.
---@param val any
---@param n integer
---@return Array
function Array.rep(val, n)
checkType('Module:Array.rep', 2, n, 'number')
local r = {}
for i = 1, n do
r[i] = val
return setmetatable(r, Array)
---Condenses the array into a single value while saving every accumulator value.
---For each element `fn` is called with the current element, the current accumulator, and the current element index. The returned value of `fn` becomes the accumulator for the next element.
---If no `accumulator` value is given at the start then the first element off `arr` becomes the accumulator and the iteration starts from the second element.
---local t = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
---local x = arr.scan( t, function(elem, acc) return acc + elem end ) -- x = { 1, 3, 6, 10 }
---@generic T: any[]
---@param arr T
---@param fn fun(elem: any, acc: any, i?: integer): any # Returned value becomes the accumulator for the next element.
---@param accumulator? any
---@return T
function Array.scan(arr, fn, accumulator)
checkType('Module:Array.scan', 1, arr, 'table')
checkType('Module:Array.scan', 2, fn, 'function')
local acc = accumulator
local r = {}
local i = 1
while arr[i] ~= nil do
if i == 1 and not accumulator then
acc = arr[i]
acc = fn(arr[i], acc, i)
r[i] = acc
i = i + 1
return setmetatable(r, getmetatable(arr))
---Update a range of index with a range of values.
---If if only one value is given but multiple indexes than that value is set for all those indexes.
---If `values` is a table then it must of the same length as `indexes`.
---@generic T: any[]
---@param arr T
---@param indexes integer|integer[]
---@param values any|any[]
---@return T
function Array.set(arr, indexes, values)
checkType('Module:Array.set', 1, arr, 'table')
checkTypeMulti('Module:Array.set', 2, indexes, {'table', 'number'})
local mt = getmetatable(arr)
setmetatable(arr, nil)
if type(indexes) == 'number' then
indexes = {indexes}
if type(values) == 'table' then
assert(#indexes == #values, string.format("Module:Array.set: 'indexes' and 'values' arrays are not equal length (#indexes = %d, #values = %d)", #indexes, #values))
for i = 1, #indexes do
arr[indexes[i]] = values[i]
for i = 1, #indexes do
arr[indexes[i]] = values
return setmetatable(arr, mt)
---Extract a subtable from `arr`.
---@generic T: any[]
---@param arr T
---@param start integer # Start index. Use negative values to count form the end of the array.
---@param stop integer # Stop index. Use negative values to count form the end of the array.
---@return T
---@overload fun(arr: T, stop: integer): T
function Array.slice(arr, start, stop)
checkType('Module:Array.slice', 1, arr, 'table')
checkType('Module:Array.slice', 2, start, 'number', true)
checkType('Module:Array.slice', 3, stop, 'number', true)
start = start or #arr
if start < 0 then
start = #arr + start
if stop == nil then
stop = start
start = 1
if stop < 0 then
stop = #arr + stop
local r = {}
local len = 0
for i = start, stop do
len = len + 1
r[len] = arr[i]
return setmetatable(r, getmetatable(arr))
---Split `arr` into two arrays.
---@generic T: any[]
---@param arr T
---@param index integer # Index to split on.
---@return T x # [1, index]
---@return T y # [index + 1, #arr]
function Array.split(arr, index)
checkType('Module:Array.split', 1, arr, 'table')
checkType('Module:Array.split', 2, index, 'number')
local x = {}
local y = {}
for i = 1, #arr do
table.insert(i <= index and x or y, arr[i])
return setmetatable(x, getmetatable(arr)), setmetatable(y, getmetatable(arr))
---Returns the sum of all elements of `arr`.
---@param arr number[]
---@return number
function Array.sum(arr)
checkType('Module:Array.sum', 1, arr, 'table')
local res = 0
for i = 1, #arr do
res = res + arr[i]
return res
---Extract a subtable from `arr`.
---@generic T: any[]
---@param arr T
---@param count integer # Length of the subtable.
---@param start? integer # Start index. Default is 1.
---@return T
function Array.take(arr, count, start)
checkType('Module:Array.take', 1, arr, 'table')
checkType('Module:Array.take', 2, count, 'number')
checkType('Module:Array.take', 3, start, 'number', true)
local x = {}
start = start or 1
for i = start, math.min(#arr, count + start - 1) do
table.insert(x, arr[i])
return setmetatable(x, getmetatable(arr))
---Extract a subtable from `arr`.
---local t = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }
---local x = arr.take_every( t, 2 ) --> x = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 }
---local x = arr.take_every( t, 2, 3 ) --> x = { 1, 3, 5 }
---local x = arr.take_every( t, 2, 3, 2 ) --> x = { 2, 4, 6 }
--- ```
---@generic T: any[]
---@param arr T
---@param n integer # Step size.
---@param start? integer # Start index.
---@param count? integer # Max amount of elements to get.
---@return T
function Array.take_every(arr, n, start, count)
checkType('Module:Array.take_every', 1, arr, 'table')
checkType('Module:Array.take_every', 2, n, 'number')
checkType('Module:Array.take_every', 3, start, 'number', true)
checkType('Module:Array.take_every', 4, count, 'number', true)
count = count or #arr
local r = {}
local len = 0
local i = start or 1
while arr[i] ~= nil and len < count do
len = len + 1
r[len] = arr[i]
i = i + n
return setmetatable(r, getmetatable(arr))
---Return a new table with all duplicates removed.
---@generic T: any[]
---@param arr T
---@param fn? fun(elem: any): any # Function to generate an id for each element. The result will then contain elements that generated unique ids.
---@return T
function Array.unique(arr, fn)
checkType('Module:Array.unique', 1, arr, 'table')
checkType('Module:Array.unique', 2, fn, 'function', true)
fn = fn or function(item) return item end
local r = {}
local len = 0
local hash = {}
local i = 1
while arr[i] ~= nil do
local id = fn(arr[i])
if not hash[id] then
len = len + 1
r[len] = arr[i]
hash[id] = true
i = i + 1
return setmetatable(r, getmetatable(arr))
---Combine elements with the same index from multiple arrays.
---local x = {1, 2, 3}
---local y = {4, 5, 6, 7}
---local z = x, y ) --> z = { { 1, 4 }, { 2, 5 }, { 3, 6 }, { 7 } }
---@param ... any[]
---@return Array
local arrs = { ... }
checkType('', 1, arrs[1], 'table')
local r = {}
local _, longest = Array.max_by(arrs, function(arr) return #arr end)
for i = 1, longest do
local q = {}
for j = 1, #arrs do
table.insert(q, arrs[j][i])
table.insert(r, setmetatable(q, Array))
return setmetatable(r, Array)
-- Range indexing has a performance impact so this is placed in a separate subclass
Array.RI_mt = {}
for k, v in pairs(Array) do
Array.RI_mt[k] = v
function Array.RI_mt.__index(t, k)
if type(k) == 'table' then
local res = {}
for i = 1, #k do
res[i] = t[k[i]]
return setmetatable(res, Array)
return Array[k]
function Array.RI_mt.__newindex(t, k, v)
if type(k) == 'table' then
if type(v) == 'table' then
for i = 1, #k do
t[k[i]] = v[i]
for i = 1, #k do
t[k[i]] = v
rawset(t, k, v)
---Enable range indexing on the input array.
---This has a performance impact on reads and writes to the table.
---local t = arr{10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}:ri()
---print( t[{2, 3}] ) --> { 11, 12 }
---@param arr any[]
---@param recursive? boolean # Default is false.
---@return Array
function Array.ri(arr, recursive)
checkType('Module:Array.ri', 1, arr, 'table')
checkType('Module:Array.ri', 2, recursive, 'boolean', true)
arr = arr or {}
if recursive then
for _, v in pairs(arr) do
if type(v) == 'table' then
Array.ri(v, true)
if getmetatable(arr) == nil or getmetatable(arr) == Array then
setmetatable(arr, Array.RI_mt)
return arr
---Globally enable range indexing on all Array objects by default.
---@param set boolean
function Array.allwaysAllowRangeIndexing(set)
checkType('Module:Array.allwaysAllowRangeIndexing', 1, set, 'boolean')
if set then
Array.__index = Array.RI_mt.__index
Array.__newindex = Array.RI_mt.__newindex
Array.__index = Array
Array.__newindex = nil
return Array