SMW_Ammo | "Ammo" |
SMW_AmmoPerShot | "Ammo per shot" |
SMW_AmmoSpeed | "Muzzle velocity" |
SMW_ArmTime | "Arm time" |
SMW_AutoZeroingTime | "Auto zeroing time" |
SMW_BiochemicalDamageModifier | "Biochemical damage modifier" |
SMW_BrochureUrl | "Brochure URL" |
SMW_CargoCapacity | "Cargo capacity" |
SMW_CargoGrid | "Cargo grid" |
SMW_ChargeTime | "Charge time" |
SMW_Class | "Class" |
SMW_ClassName | "Class name" |
SMW_ConceptAnnouncementDate | "Concept announcement date" |
SMW_ConceptSaleDate | "Concept sale date" |
SMW_CooldownTime | "Cooldown time" |
SMW_CoolingRate | "Cooling rate" |
SMW_CrossSectionSignatureModifier | "Cross section signature modifier" |
SMW_Damage | "Damage" |
SMW_DamageBiochemical | "Biochemical damage" |
SMW_DamageDistortion | "Distortion damage" |
SMW_DamageEnergy | "Energy damage" |
SMW_DamagePerSecond | "Damage per second" |
SMW_DamagePhysical | "Physical damage" |
SMW_DamageRadius | "Damage radius" |
SMW_DamageStun | "Stun damage" |
SMW_DamageThermal | "Thermal damage" |
SMW_DamageType | "Damage type" |
SMW_Default_Reaction | "Default reaction" |
SMW_Description | "Description" |
SMW_DistortionDamageModifier | "Distortion damage modifier" |
SMW_DistortionDecayDelay | "Distortion decay delay" |
SMW_DistortionDecayRate | "Distortion decay rate" |
SMW_DistortionHealthPoint | "Distortion health" |
SMW_Duration | "Duration" |
SMW_EMDecayRate | "EM decay rate" |
SMW_EMPRadius | "EMP radius" |
SMW_Effect | "Effect" |
SMW_EffectiveRange | "Effective range" |
SMW_ElectromagneticSignatureModifier | "Electromagnetic signature modifier" |
SMW_EnergyDamageModifier | "Energy damage modifier" |
SMW_EntityHeight | "Entity height" |
SMW_EntityLength | "Entity length" |
SMW_EntityWidth | "Entity width" |
SMW_EquippedItemName | "Equipped item name" |
SMW_EquippedItemSize | "Equipped item size" |
SMW_EquippedItemUUID | "Equipped item UUID" |
SMW_ErrorChance | "Error chance" |
SMW_ExtractionLaserPower | "Extraction laser power" |
SMW_ExtractionThroughput | "Extraction throughput" |
SMW_FiringMode | "Firing mode" |
SMW_FiringRate | "Firing rate" |
SMW_FromGameData | "From game data" |
SMW_FuelBurnRate | "Fuel burn rate" |
SMW_FuelCapacity | "Fuel capacity" |
SMW_FuelDrainRate | "Fuel drain rate" |
SMW_FuelFillRate | "Fuel fill rate" |
SMW_FuelIntakeRate | "Fuel intake rate" |
SMW_GalactapediaUrl | "Galactapedia URL" |
SMW_GameBuild | "Game build" |
SMW_Grade | "Grade" |
SMW_Hardpoint | "Hardpoint" |
SMW_HardpointClassName | "Hardpoint class name" |
SMW_HardpointMaximumSize | "Hardpoint maximum size" |
SMW_HardpointMinimumSize | "Hardpoint minimum size" |
SMW_HardpointSubtype | "Hardpoint subtype" |
SMW_HardpointType | "Hardpoint type" |
SMW_HealthPoint | "Health point" |
SMW_HitPoints | "Health point" |
SMW_HydrationEfficacyIndex | "Hydration Efficacy Index" |
SMW_HydrogenFuelCapacity | "Hydrogen fuel capacity" |
SMW_HydrogenFuelIntakeRate | "Hydrogen fuel intake rate" |
SMW_IRTemperatureThreshold | "IR temperature threshold" |
SMW_Icon | "Hardpoint icon" |
SMW_IgniteTime | "Ignite time" |
SMW_InfraredSignatureModifier | "Infrared signature modifier" |
SMW_InsuranceClaimTime | "Insurance claim time" |
SMW_InsuranceExpediteCost | "Insurance expedite cost" |
SMW_InsuranceExpediteTime | "Insurance expedite time" |
SMW_InterdictionRange | "Interdiction range" |
SMW_Inventory | "Inventory" |
SMW_IsItemBaseVariant | "Is item base variant" |
SMW_ItemBaseVariantName | "Item base variant name" |
SMW_ItemBaseVariantUUID | "Item base variant UUID" |
SMW_ItemPortDisplayName | "Item port display name" |
SMW_ItemPortMaximumSize | "Item port maximum size" |
SMW_ItemPortMinimumSize | "Item port minimum size" |
SMW_ItemPortName | "Item port name" |
SMW_ItemQuantity | "Item quantity" |
SMW_JammerRange | "Jammer range" |
SMW_LoanerVehicle | "Loaner vehicle" |
SMW_LockTime | "Lock time" |
SMW_LoreReleaseDate | "Lore release date" |
SMW_LoreRetirementDate | "Lore retirement date" |
SMW_MagazineCapacity | "Magazine capacity" |
SMW_Manufacturer | "Manufacturer" |
SMW_Mass | "Mass" |
SMW_MaximumAngle | "Maximum angle" |
SMW_MaximumCoolingRate | "Maximum cooling rate" |
SMW_MaximumCrew | "Maximum crew" |
SMW_MaximumEM | "Maximum EM" |
SMW_MaximumExplosionRadius | "Maximum explosion radius" |
SMW_MaximumForce | "Maximum force" |
SMW_MaximumMisfireTemperature | "Maximum misfire temperature" |
SMW_MaximumPowerDraw | "Maximum power draw" |
SMW_MaximumRange | "Maximum range" |
SMW_MaximumSpeed | "Maximum speed" |
SMW_MaximumSpeedToZeroTime | "Maximum speed to zero time" |
SMW_MaximumTemperature | "Maximum temperature" |
SMW_MaximumThermalEnergyOutput | "Maximum thermal energy output" |
SMW_MaximumVolume | "Maximum volume" |
SMW_MinimumCrew | "Minimum crew" |
SMW_MinimumEM | "Minimum EM" |
SMW_MinimumExplosionRadius | "Minimum explosion radius" |
SMW_MinimumForce | "Minimum force" |
SMW_MinimumIR | "Minimum IR" |
SMW_MinimumMisfireTemperature | "Minimum misfire temperature" |
SMW_MinimumPowerDraw | "Minimum power draw" |
SMW_MinimumRange | "Minimum range" |
SMW_MinimumSpeed | "Maximum speed" |
SMW_MinimumTemperature | "Minimum temperature" |
SMW_MinimumThermalEnergyOutput | "Minimum thermal energy output" |
SMW_MiningLaserPower | "Mining laser power" |
SMW_ModifierCatastrophicChargeRate | "Modifier catastrophic charge rate" |
SMW_ModifierDamage | "Modifier damage" |
SMW_ModifierDamageTakenBiochemical | "Modifier biochemical damage taken" |
SMW_ModifierDamageTakenDistortion | "Modifier distortion damage taken" |
SMW_ModifierDamageTakenEnergy | "Modifier energy damage taken" |
SMW_ModifierDamageTakenPhysical | "Modifier physical damage taken" |
SMW_ModifierDamageTakenStun | "Modifier stun damage taken" |
SMW_ModifierDamageTakenThermal | "Modifier thermal damage taken" |
SMW_ModifierDuration | "Modifier duration" |
SMW_ModifierExtractionEfficiency | "Modifier extraction efficiency" |
SMW_ModifierExtractionLaserPower | "Modifier extraction laser power" |
SMW_ModifierFireRecoilStrength | "Modifier fire recoil strength" |
SMW_ModifierInertMaterials | "Modifier inert materials" |
SMW_ModifierLaserInstability | "Modifier laser instability" |
SMW_ModifierMiningLaserPower | "Modifier mining laser power" |
SMW_ModifierOptimalChargeRate | "Modifier optimal charge rate" |
SMW_ModifierOptimalChargeWindowSize | "Modifier optimal charge window size" |
SMW_ModifierRadius | "Modifier radius" |
SMW_ModifierResistance | "Modifier resistance" |
SMW_ModifierSalvageSpeed | "Modifier salvage speed" |
SMW_ModifierShatterDamage | "Modifier shatter damage" |
SMW_ModifierSize | "Modifier size" |
SMW_ModifierSoundRadius | "Modifier sound radius" |
SMW_ModuleSlots | "Module slots" |
SMW_Name | "Name" |
SMW_NutritionalDensityRating | "Nutritional Density Rating" |
SMW_Occupancy | "Occupancy" |
SMW_OpticsMagnification | "Optics magnification" |
SMW_OptimalRange | "Optimal range" |
SMW_OriginalPledgePrice | "Original pledge price" |
SMW_OriginalWarbondPledgePrice | "Original warbond pledge price" |
SMW_OverheatTemperature | "Overheat temperature" |
SMW_ParentHardpoint | "Parent hardpoint" |
SMW_ParentHardpointUuid | "Parent hardpoint UUID" |
SMW_PhysicalDamageModifier | "Physical damage modifier" |
SMW_PitchRate | "Pitch rate" |
SMW_PledgeAvailability | "Pledge availability" |
SMW_PledgePrice | "Pledge price" |
SMW_PledgeStoreUrl | "Pledge store URL" |
SMW_PortCount | "Port count" |
SMW_PortSize | "Port size" |
SMW_Position | "Position" |
SMW_PowerOutput | "Power output" |
SMW_PowerToEM | "Power to EM" |
SMW_PresentationUrl | "Presentation URL" |
SMW_ProductionState | "Production state" |
SMW_ProductionStateDesc | "Production state description" |
SMW_ProjectilePerShot | "Projectile per shot" |
SMW_QAndAUrl | "Q and A URL" |
SMW_QuantumFuelCapacity | "Quantum fuel capacity" |
SMW_QuantumFuelRequirement | "Quantum fuel requirement" |
SMW_QuantumRange | "Quantum range" |
SMW_QuantumSpeed | "Quantum speed" |
SMW_QuantumTravelDisconnectRange | "Quantum travel disconnect range" |
SMW_QuantumTravelRange | "Quantum travel range" |
SMW_QuantumTravelSpeed | "Quantum travel speed" |
SMW_QuantumTravelType | "Quantum travel type" |
SMW_QueryImage | "Query image" |
SMW_Relation | "Relation" |
SMW_RelationClassName | "Relation class name" |
SMW_RelationName | "Relation name" |
SMW_RelationUUID | "Relation UUID" |
SMW_ResistanceMaximumTemperature | "Maximum temperature resistance" |
SMW_ResistanceMinimumTemperature | "Minimum temperature resistance" |
SMW_RetractedHeight | "Retracted height" |
SMW_RetractedLength | "Retracted length" |
SMW_RetractedWidth | "Retracted width" |
SMW_ReverseSpeed | "Reverse speed" |
SMW_Role | "Role" |
SMW_RollRate | "Roll rate" |
SMW_RootHardpoint | "Root hardpoint" |
SMW_ScmSpeed | "SCM speed" |
SMW_ScmSpeedToZeroTime | "SCM speed to zero time" |
SMW_SelfDestruct | "Self destruct" |
SMW_Series | "Series" |
SMW_ShieldBiochemicalResistance | "Shield biochemical resistance" |
SMW_ShieldDamageDelay | "Shield damage delay" |
SMW_ShieldDistortionResistance | "Shield distortion resistance" |
SMW_ShieldDownTime | "Shield down time" |
SMW_ShieldEnergyResistance | "Shield energy resistance" |
SMW_ShieldHealthPoint | "Shield health point" |
SMW_ShieldPhysicalResistance | "Shield physical resistance" |
SMW_ShieldPointRegeneration | "Shield point regeneration" |
SMW_ShieldStunResistance | "Shield stun resistance" |
SMW_ShieldThermalResistance | "Shield thermal resistance" |
SMW_ShipMatrixName | "Ship matrix name" |
SMW_ShipMatrixSize | "Ship matrix size" |
SMW_SignalType | "Signal type" |
SMW_Size | "Size" |
SMW_Slot | "Slot" |
SMW_StartCoolingTemperature | "Start cooling temperature" |
SMW_StunDamageModifier | "Stun damage modifier" |
SMW_Subtype | "Subtype" |
SMW_Tags | "Tags" |
SMW_TemperatureToIR | "Temperature to IR" |
SMW_ThermalDamageModifier | "Thermal damage modifier" |
SMW_ThrustCapacity | "Thrust capacity" |
SMW_TrailerUrl | "Trailer URL" |
SMW_Type | "Type" |
SMW_Uses | "Uses" |
SMW_VehicleHardpointsTemplateGroup | "Vehicle hardpoints template group" |
SMW_VehicleInventory | "Vehicle inventory" |
SMW_WarbondPledgePrice | "Warbond pledge price" |
SMW_WhitleysGuideUrl | "Whitleys Guide URL" |
SMW_YawRate | "Yaw rate" |
SMW_ZeroToMaximumSpeedTime | "Zero to Maximum speed time" |
SMW_ZeroToScmSpeedTime | "Zero to SCM speed time" |
SMW_ZeroingRange | "Zeroing range" |
SMW_ZeroingRangeIncrement | "Zeroing range increment" |