Module:Issue council

From the Star Citizen Wiki, the fidelity™ encyclopedia
Module documentation[view][edit][history][purge]
This documentation is transcluded from Module:Issue council/doc. Changes can be proposed in the talk page.
Function list
L 15 — getArgs
L 27 — makeWikitextError
L 40 — stringContains
L 49 — getProject
L 63 — p.main
L 72 — p._main

Module:Issue council produces issue council links based on issue ID alone. It implements the {{issue council}} template.

--                              Module:Issue council                          --
--                                                                            --
-- This module produces issue council links based on issue ID alone.          --
-- It implements the {{issue council}} template.                              --

local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil')
local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType
local mArguments -- lazily initialise [[Module:Arguments]]
local mError -- lazily initialise [[Module:Error]]

local p = {}

local function getArgs(frame)
	-- Fetches the arguments from the parent frame. Whitespace is trimmed and
	-- blanks are removed.
	mArguments = require('Module:Arguments')
	return mArguments.getArgs(frame, {parentOnly = true})

--- Helper function to throw error
-- @param msg string - Error message
-- @return string - Formatted error message in wikitext
local function makeWikitextError(msg)
	mError = require('Module:Error')
	return mError.error{message =
		'Error: ' .. msg .. '.'

--- Helper function checking if a substring is in a string
-- @param needle string - Value to search for
-- @param haystack string - String to search in
-- @return bool - True if found
local function stringContains( needle, haystack )
    return string.find( mw.ustring.lower( haystack ), needle, 1, true )

--- Determine the issue council project
-- @param id string - Issue Council ID
-- @return string - project or nil if unknown
local function getProject( id )
	local project

	if stringContains( 'starc-', id ) then
		project = 'STAR-CITIZEN'
    elseif stringContains( 'ic-', id ) then
		project = 'ISSUE-COUNCIL'
        project = nil

	return project

function p.main(frame)
	local args = getArgs(frame)
	local issueId = args[1]
	if not issueId then
		return makeWikitextError('no issue ID specified')
	return p._main(issueId)

function p._main(issueId)
	checkType('_main', 1, issueId, 'string')
	local project = getProject(issueId)
	local url
	if project == nil then
		return makeWikitextError('issue ID is invalid (no project match)')

	url = mw.ustring.format(
	return mw.ustring.format(
		'[%s %s]',

return p
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