This documentation is transcluded from Module:Item/VehicleItem/doc. Changes can be proposed in the talk page.
Module:Item/VehicleItem is shared across the Star Citizen Wikis.
This module is shared across the Star Citizen Wikis. Any changes should also be relayed to the GitHub repository.
Module:Item/VehicleItem loads messages from Module:Item/VehicleItem/i18n.json.
This module is designed to be language-neutral. All of the messages are saved in the i18n.json subpage.
This module is unused.
This module is neither invoked by a template nor required/loaded by another module. If this is in error, make sure to add
/{{No documentation}}
to the calling template's or parent's module documentation.Module:Item/VehicleItem requires 7 modules.
Function list |
require( 'strict' )
local p = {}
local MODULE_NAME = 'VehicleItem'
local i18n = require( 'Module:i18n' ):new()
local TNT = require( 'Module:Translate' ):new()
local smwCommon = require( 'Module:Common/SMW' )
local data = mw.loadJsonData( 'Module:Item/' .. MODULE_NAME .. '/data.json' )
local config = mw.loadJsonData( 'Module:Item/config.json' )
local common = require( 'Module:Common' )
--- Wrapper function for Module:i18n.translate
--- @param key string The translation key
--- @return string If the key was not found, the key is returned
local function t( key )
return i18n:translate( key )
--- Wrapper function for Module:Translate.translate
--- @param key string The translation key
--- @param addSuffix boolean|nil Adds a language suffix if config.smw_multilingual_text is true
--- @return string If the key was not found in the .tab page, the key is returned
local function translate( key, addSuffix, ... )
return TNT:translate( 'Module:Item/' .. MODULE_NAME .. '/i18n.json', config, key, addSuffix, { ... } )
--- Adds the properties valid for this item to the SMW Set object
--- @param smwSetObject table
function p.addSmwProperties( apiData, frameArgs, smwSetObject )
'Item/' .. MODULE_NAME
local formatConfig = {
type = 'number'
-- TODO: Modifiers and Damages are generic enough that maybe we should search for it by default on Module:Item?
smwCommon.setFromTable( smwSetObject, apiData:get( 'mining_laser.modifiers' ), 'display_name', 'value', 'Modifier',
translate, formatConfig )
smwCommon.setFromTable( smwSetObject, apiData:get( 'mining_module.modifiers' ), 'display_name', 'value', 'Modifier',
translate, formatConfig )
smwCommon.setFromTable( smwSetObject, apiData:get( 'bomb.damages' ), 'name', 'damage', 'Damage', translate, formatConfig )
smwCommon.setFromTable( smwSetObject, apiData:get( 'missile.damages' ), 'name', 'damage', 'Damage', translate,
formatConfig )
-- TODO: Implement this for bombs and missiles
if apiData.vehicle_weapon then
-- Save damages as subobjects, we did not do it through data.json because we need to build the key
-- for the damage SMW properties such as SMW_DamageEnergy
-- TODO: This is generic enough that we should consider making it shared for bombs, missile, personal weapon, and vehicle weapons
if apiData.vehicle_weapon.damages then
local ucfirst = require( 'Module:String2' ).ucfirst
local damages = apiData.vehicle_weapon.damages
local typeKey = t( 'SMW_DamageType' )
local subobjects = {}
for _, damage in ipairs( damages ) do
-- FIXME: Wikipedia modules like Module:String2 does not have a proper Lua entry point
-- Perhaps we should look into it some day
local ucfirstArgs = { args = { } }
local dmgKey = t( 'SMW_Damage' .. ucfirst( ucfirstArgs ) )
-- If damage type is the same, add the damage value of the under the same table
if subobjects[ #subobjects ] and subobjects[ #subobjects ][ typeKey ] and subobjects[ #subobjects ][ typeKey ] == damage.type then
subobjects[ #subobjects ][ dmgKey ] = damage.damage
table.insert( subobjects, {
[ typeKey ] = damage.type,
[ dmgKey ] = damage.damage
} )
for _, subobject in pairs( subobjects ) do
mw.smw.subobject( subobject )
--- Adds all SMW parameters set by this Module to the ASK object
--- @param smwAskObject table
--- @return nil
function p.addSmwAskProperties( smwAskObject )
--- Adds entries to the infobox
--- @param infobox table The Module:InfoboxNeue instance
--- @param smwData table Data from Semantic MediaWiki
--- @return nil
function p.addInfoboxData( infobox, smwData, itemPageIdentifier )
local tabber = require( 'Module:Tabber' ).renderTabber
local tabberData = {}
local section
local function getDamagesSection()
local damageTypes = {
local smwProps = { 'SMW_DamageType' }
for _, damageType in ipairs( damageTypes ) do
table.insert( smwProps, 'SMW_Damage' .. damageType )
local subobjects = smwCommon.loadSubobjects(
if type( subobjects ) == 'table' then
local damagesTabberData = {}
local damagesTabCount = 1
for _, damage in ipairs( subobjects ) do
section = {}
damagesTabberData[ 'label' .. damagesTabCount ] = translate( 'damagetype_' ..
damage[ t( 'SMW_DamageType' ) ] )
for _, damageType in ipairs( damageTypes ) do
table.insert( section,
infobox:renderItem( {
label = translate( 'LBL_Damage' .. damageType ),
tooltip = t( 'SMW_Damage' .. damageType ),
data = damage[ t( 'SMW_Damage' .. damageType ) ]
} )
damagesTabberData[ 'content' .. damagesTabCount ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 3 },
true )
damagesTabCount = damagesTabCount + 1
return infobox:renderSection( {
title = translate( 'LBL_Damages' ),
class = 'infobox__section--tabber',
content = tabber( damagesTabberData ),
border = false
}, true )
-- Bomb
if smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'Bomb' then
-- Overview
tabberData[ 'label1' ] = translate( 'LBL_Overview' )
section = {
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_DamagePhysical' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_DamagePhysical' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_DamageEnergy' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_DamageEnergy' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ExplosionRadius' ),
infobox.formatRange( smwData[ t( 'SMW_MinimumExplosionRadius' ) ],
smwData[ t( 'SMW_MaximumExplosionRadius' ) ], true ), 'm' ) ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ArmTime' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_ArmTime' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_IgniteTime' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_IgniteTime' ) ] )
tabberData[ 'content1' ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 2 }, true )
-- Cooler
elseif smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'Cooler' then
-- Overview
tabberData[ 'label1' ] = translate( 'LBL_Overview' )
section = {
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_CoolingRate' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_CoolingRate' ) ] )
tabberData[ 'content1' ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 2 }, true )
-- EMP Generator
elseif smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'EMP' then
-- Overview
tabberData[ 'label1' ] = translate( 'LBL_Overview' )
section = {
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_EMPRadius' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_EMPRadius' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ChargeTime' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_ChargeTime' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_CooldownTime' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_CooldownTime' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_Duration' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_Duration' ) ] )
tabberData[ 'content1' ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 2 }, true )
-- Fuel Pod
elseif smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'ExternalFuelTank' then
-- Overview
tabberData[ 'label1' ] = translate( 'LBL_Overview' )
section = {
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_FuelCapacity' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_FuelCapacity' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_FuelFillRate' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_FuelFillRate' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_FuelDrainRate' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_FuelDrainRate' ) ] )
tabberData[ 'content1' ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 2 }, true )
-- Gun / Rocket Pod
elseif smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'WeaponGun.Gun' or smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'WeaponGun.Rocket' then
local function getFiringModesSection()
local modes = smwCommon.loadSubobjects(
if type( modes ) == 'table' then
local modeTabberData = {}
local modeCount = 1
for _, mode in ipairs( modes ) do
modeTabberData[ 'label' .. modeCount ] = translate( mode[ t( 'SMW_FiringMode' ) ] )
section = {
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_DamagePerSecond' ),
mode[ t( 'SMW_DamagePerSecond' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_FiringRate' ), mode[ t( 'SMW_FiringRate' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ProjectilePerShot' ),
mode[ t( 'SMW_ProjectilePerShot' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_AmmoPerShot' ), mode[ t( 'SMW_AmmoPerShot' ) ] )
modeTabberData[ 'content' .. modeCount ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 2 },
true )
modeCount = modeCount + 1
return infobox:renderSection( {
title = translate( 'LBL_Modes' ),
class = 'infobox__section--tabber',
content = tabber( modeTabberData ),
border = false
}, true )
-- Overview
tabberData[ 'label1' ] = translate( 'LBL_Overview' )
section = {
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_Damage' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_Damage' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_AmmoSpeed' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_AmmoSpeed' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_MaximumRange' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_MaximumRange' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_Ammo' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_Ammo' ) ] )
tabberData[ 'content1' ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 2 }, true ) ..
getDamagesSection() .. getFiringModesSection()
-- Missile
elseif smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'Missile.Missile' or smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'Missile.Torpedo' then
-- Overview
tabberData[ 'label1' ] = translate( 'LBL_Overview' )
section = {
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_DamagePhysical' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_DamagePhysical' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_DamageEnergy' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_DamageEnergy' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_SignalType' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_SignalType' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_LockTime' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_LockTime' ) ] )
tabberData[ 'content1' ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 2 }, true )
-- Missile launcher / Weapon mount
-- FIXME: Maybe refactor the type check to a local function?
elseif smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'MissileLauncher.MissileRack' or smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'Turret.GunTurret' or smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'Turret.BallTurret' or smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'Turret.CanardTurret' or smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'Turret.NoseMounted' then
--- NOTE: Should we just set the size SMW property to type:quantity, then prefix the S as a unit?
local function getPortSize()
if smwData[ t( 'SMW_PortSize' ) ] == nil then return end
return 'S' .. smwData[ t( 'SMW_PortSize' ) ]
-- Overview
tabberData[ 'label1' ] = translate( 'LBL_Overview' )
section = {
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_PortCount' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_PortCount' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_PortSize' ), getPortSize() )
tabberData[ 'content1' ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 2 }, true )
-- Mining Laser
elseif smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'WeaponMining.Gun' then
-- Overview
tabberData[ 'label1' ] = translate( 'LBL_Overview' )
section = {
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_MiningLaserPower' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_MiningLaserPower' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ExtractionLaserPower' ),
smwData[ t( 'SMW_ExtractionLaserPower' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_OptimalRange' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_OptimalRange' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_MaximumRange' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_MaximumRange' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ExtractionThroughput' ),
smwData[ t( 'SMW_ExtractionThroughput' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModuleSlots' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModuleSlots' ) ] )
tabberData[ 'content1' ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 2 }, true )
tabberData[ 'label2' ] = translate( 'LBL_Modifiers' )
section = {
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierCatastrophicChargeRate' ),
smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierCatastrophicChargeRate' ) ] ),
--infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierExtractionLaserPower' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierExtractionLaserPower' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierLaserInstability' ),
smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierLaserInstability' ) ] ),
--infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierMiningLaserPower' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierMiningLaserPower' ) ] ),
--infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierOptimalChargeWindowSize' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierOptimalChargeWindowSize' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierInertMaterials' ),
smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierInertMaterials' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierOptimalChargeRate' ),
smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierOptimalChargeRate' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierResistance' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierResistance' ) ] ),
--infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierShatterDamage' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierShatterDamage' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierSize' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierSize' ) ] )
tabberData[ 'content2' ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 2 }, true )
-- Mining Module
elseif smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'MiningModifier.Gun' then
-- Overview
tabberData[ 'label1' ] = translate( 'LBL_Overview' )
section = {
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_Uses' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_Uses' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_Duration' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_Duration' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierCatastrophicChargeRate' ),
smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierCatastrophicChargeRate' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierExtractionLaserPower' ),
smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierExtractionLaserPower' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierLaserInstability' ),
smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierLaserInstability' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierMiningLaserPower' ),
smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierMiningLaserPower' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierOptimalChargeWindowSize' ),
smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierOptimalChargeWindowSize' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierInertMaterials' ),
smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierInertMaterials' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierOptimalChargeRate' ),
smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierOptimalChargeRate' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierResistance' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierResistance' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierShatterDamage' ),
smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierShatterDamage' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierSize' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierSize' ) ] )
tabberData[ 'content1' ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 2 }, true )
-- Power Plant
elseif smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'PowerPlant.Power' then
-- Overview
tabberData[ 'label1' ] = translate( 'LBL_Overview' )
section = {
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_PowerOutput' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_PowerOutput' ) ] )
tabberData[ 'content1' ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 2 }, true )
-- Quantum Drive
elseif smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'QuantumDrive' then
local function getQuantumDriveModesSection()
local modes = smwCommon.loadSubobjects(
if type( modes ) == 'table' then
local modeTabberData = {}
local modeCount = 1
for _, mode in ipairs( modes ) do
modeTabberData[ 'label' .. modeCount ] = translate( mode[ t( 'SMW_QuantumTravelType' ) ] )
section = {
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_QuantumTravelSpeed' ),
mode[ t( 'SMW_QuantumTravelSpeed' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_CooldownTime' ), mode[ t( 'SMW_CooldownTime' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ChargeTime' ), mode[ t( 'SMW_ChargeTime' ) ] )
modeTabberData[ 'content' .. modeCount ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 3 },
true )
modeCount = modeCount + 1
return infobox:renderSection( {
title = translate( 'LBL_Modes' ),
class = 'infobox__section--tabber',
content = tabber( modeTabberData ),
border = false
}, true )
-- Overview
tabberData[ 'label1' ] = translate( 'LBL_Overview' )
section = {
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_QuantumFuelRequirement' ),
smwData[ t( 'SMW_QuantumFuelRequirement' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_QuantumTravelDisconnectRange' ),
smwData[ t( 'SMW_QuantumTravelDisconnectRange' ) ] )
-- Does range matter currently? The range seems to be limited by the QF fuel tank of the vehicle anyways
--infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_QuantumTravelRange' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_QuantumTravelRange' ) ] )
tabberData[ 'content1' ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 2 }, true ) ..
-- Quantum Enforcement Device
elseif smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'QuantumInterdictionGenerator' then
-- Overview
tabberData[ 'label1' ] = translate( 'LBL_Overview' )
section = {
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_JammerRange' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_JammerRange' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_InterdictionRange' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_InterdictionRange' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_Duration' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_Duration' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ChargeTime' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_ChargeTime' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_CooldownTime' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_CooldownTime' ) ] )
tabberData[ 'content1' ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 2 }, true )
-- Scraper Module
elseif smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'SalvageModifier' or smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'SalvageModifier.SalvageModifier_TractorBeam' then
-- Modifier
tabberData[ 'label1' ] = translate( 'LBL_Overview' )
section = {
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierSalvageSpeed' ),
infobox.addUnitIfExists( smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierSalvageSpeed' ) ], 'x' ) ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierRadius' ),
infobox.addUnitIfExists( smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierRadius' ) ], 'x' ) ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ModifierExtractionEfficiency' ),
infobox.addUnitIfExists( smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierExtractionEfficiency' ) ], 'x' ) )
tabberData[ 'content1' ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 3 }, true )
-- Shield
elseif smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'Shield' then
-- We need raw number from SMW to calculate shield regen, so we add the unit back
local function getShieldPoint()
if smwData[ t( 'SMW_ShieldHealthPoint' ) ] == nil then return end
return common.formatNum( math.ceil( smwData[ t( 'SMW_ShieldHealthPoint' ) ] ) ) .. ' 🛡️'
local function getShieldRegen()
if smwData[ t( 'SMW_ShieldPointRegeneration' ) ] == nil then return end
if smwData[ t( 'SMW_ShieldHealthPoint' ) ] == nil then
return smwData
[ t( 'SMW_ShieldPointRegeneration' ) ]
local fullChargeTime = math.ceil( smwData[ t( 'SMW_ShieldHealthPoint' ) ] /
smwData[ t( 'SMW_ShieldPointRegeneration' ) ] )
return infobox.showDescIfDiff(
common.formatNum( math.ceil( smwData[ t( 'SMW_ShieldPointRegeneration' ) ] ) ) .. ' 🛡️/s',
translate( 'unit_secondtillfull', false, fullChargeTime )
local function getShieldRegenDelay()
if smwData[ t( 'SMW_ShieldDownTime' ) ] == nil or smwData[ t( 'SMW_ShieldDamageDelay' ) ] == nil then return end
return infobox.showDescIfDiff(
smwData[ t( 'SMW_ShieldDamageDelay' ) ],
translate( 'unit_whendown', false, smwData[ t( 'SMW_ShieldDownTime' ) ] )
-- Overview
tabberData[ 'label1' ] = translate( 'LBL_Overview' )
section = {
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ShieldHealthPoint' ), getShieldPoint() ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ShieldPointRegeneration' ), getShieldRegen() ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ShieldRegenDelay' ), getShieldRegenDelay() )
tabberData[ 'content1' ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 2 }, true )
-- TODO: Add on API
--infobox:renderSection( {
-- title = translate( 'LBL_Resistances' ),
-- col = 3,
-- content = {
-- infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ShieldPhysicalResistance' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_ShieldPhysicalResistance' ) ] ),
-- infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ShieldEnergyResistance' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_ShieldEnergyResistance' ) ] ),
-- infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ShieldDistortionResistance' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_ShieldDistortionResistance' ) ] ),
-- infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ShieldThermalResistance' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_ShieldThermalResistance' ) ] ),
-- infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ShieldBiochemicalResistance' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_ShieldBiochemicalResistance' ) ] ),
-- infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ShieldStunResistance' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_ShieldStunResistance' ) ] ),
-- }
--} )
-- Tractor beam
-- TODO: Maybe we should use SMW_Type for all the stuff above
elseif smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'TractorBeam' or smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'TowingBeam' then
-- Overview
tabberData[ 'label1' ] = translate( 'LBL_Overview' )
section = {
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_MaximumForce' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_MaximumForce' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_OptimalRange' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_OptimalRange' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_MaximumRange' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_MaximumRange' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_MaximumAngle' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_MaximumAngle' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_MaximumVolume' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_MaximumVolume' ) ] )
tabberData[ 'content1' ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 2 }, true )
-- Get the index of the last tab
local tabCount = 0
for _, __ in pairs( tabberData ) do
tabCount = tabCount + 1
tabCount = tabCount / 2
-- Engineering
-- TODO: Make temperatures into a graph?
-- FIXME: Instead of hardcoding the unit, can we use SMW query to get the unit?
tabCount = tabCount + 1
tabberData[ 'label' .. tabCount ] = translate( 'LBL_Engineering' )
section = {
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_PowerDraw' ),
infobox.formatRange( smwData[ t( 'SMW_MinimumPowerDraw' ) ],
smwData[ t( 'SMW_MaximumPowerDraw' ) ], true ), '🔌/s' ) ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_ThermalEnergyOutput' ),
infobox.formatRange( smwData[ t( 'SMW_MinimumThermalEnergyOutput' ) ],
smwData[ t( 'SMW_MaximumThermalEnergyOutput' ) ], true ), '🌡️/s' ) ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_MaximumCoolingRate' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_MaximumCoolingRate' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_StartCoolingTemperature' ),
smwData[ t( 'SMW_StartCoolingTemperature' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_Temperature' ),
infobox.formatRange( smwData[ t( 'SMW_MinimumTemperature' ) ],
smwData[ t( 'SMW_MaximumTemperature' ) ], true ), '°C' ) ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_MisfireTemperature' ),
infobox.formatRange( smwData[ t( 'SMW_MinimumMisfireTemperature' ) ],
smwData[ t( 'SMW_MaximumMisfireTemperature' ) ], true ), '°C' ) ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_OverheatTemperature' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_OverheatTemperature' ) ] )
tabberData[ 'content' .. tabCount ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 2 }, true )
-- Emission
local function getMaxIR()
(type( smwData[ t( 'SMW_IRTemperatureThreshold' ) ] ) ~= 'number' or type( smwData[ t( 'SMW_TemperatureToIR' ) ] ~= 'number' ))
and type( smwData[ t( 'SMW_MinimumIR' ) ] ) ~= 'number'
return smwData[ t( 'SMW_IRTemperatureThreshold' ) ] * smwData[ t( 'SMW_TemperatureToIR' ) ] +
smwData[ t( 'SMW_MinimumIR' ) ]
tabCount = tabCount + 1
tabberData[ 'label' .. tabCount ] = translate( 'LBL_Emission' )
section = {
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_EM' ),
infobox.formatRange( smwData[ t( 'SMW_MinimumEM' ) ], smwData[ t( 'SMW_MaximumEM' ) ], true ) ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_PowerToEM' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_PowerToEM' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_EMDecayRate' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_EMDecayRate' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_IR' ),
infobox.formatRange( smwData[ t( 'SMW_MinimumIR' ) ], getMaxIR(), true ) ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_TemperatureToIR' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_TemperatureToIR' ) ] )
tabberData[ 'content' .. tabCount ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 3 }, true )
-- Defense
tabCount = tabCount + 1
tabberData[ 'label' .. tabCount ] = translate( 'LBL_Defense' )
section = {
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_Health' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_HealthPoint' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_DistortionHealthPoint' ), smwData
[ t( 'SMW_DistortionHealthPoint' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_DistortionDecayRate' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_DistortionDecayRate' ) ] ),
infobox:renderItem( translate( 'LBL_DistortionDecayDelay' ), smwData[ t( 'SMW_DistortionDecayDelay' ) ] )
tabberData[ 'content' .. tabCount ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 2 }, true )
-- Dimensions
--tabberData[ 'label' .. tabCount ] = translate( 'LBL_Dimensions' )
--section = {
-- infobox:renderItem( {
-- label = translate( 'LBL_Length' ),
-- data = smwData[ t( 'SMW_EntityLength' ) ],
-- } ),
-- infobox:renderItem( {
-- label = translate( 'LBL_Width' ),
-- data = smwData[ t( 'SMW_EntityWidth' ) ],
-- } ),
-- infobox:renderItem( {
-- label = translate( 'LBL_Height' ),
-- data = smwData[ t( 'SMW_EntityHeight' ) ],
-- } ),
-- infobox:renderItem( {
-- label = translate( 'LBL_Mass' ),
-- data = smwData[ t( 'SMW_Mass' ) ],
-- } )
--tabberData[ 'content' .. tabCount ] = infobox:renderSection( { content = section, col = 3 }, true )
infobox:renderSection( {
class = 'infobox__section--tabber',
content = tabber( tabberData ),
border = false
} )
--- Add categories that are set on the page.
--- The categories table should only contain category names, no MW Links, i.e. 'Foo' instead of '[[Category:Foo]]'
--- @param categories table The categories table
--- @param frameArgs table Frame arguments from Module:Arguments
--- @param smwData table Data from Semantic MediaWiki
--- @return nil
function p.addCategories( categories, frameArgs, smwData )
--- Set the short description for this object
--- @param shortdesc string Short description
--- @param frameArgs table Frame arguments from Module:Arguments
--- @param smwData table Data from Semantic MediaWiki
--- @return nil
function p.getShortDescription( shortdesc, frameArgs, smwData )
return p