"ARG_Image" |
"wiki-file-name" |
false |
true |
en | "The file name of the image of the ship/vehicle" |
de | "Dateiname des Bildes des Schiffes/Fahrzeugs" |
"Defender.jpg" |
"ARG_Name" |
"string" |
true |
true |
en | "The name of the item" |
de | "Name des Items" |
"Cirrus" |
"ARG_SmwQueryName" |
de | "SMWQueryName" |
en | "smwqueryname" |
"string" |
de | "SMWQueryName" |
en | "smwqueryname" |
false |
true |
en | "The page name to load data from" |
de | "Seitenname aus denen Daten geladen werden" |
"ARG_Manufacturer" |
de | "Hersteller" |
en | "manufacturer" |
"string" |
de | "Hersteller" |
en | "Manufacturer" |
false |
true |
en | "The manufacturer code of the manufacturer who made the item" |
de | "Herstellercode des Item Herstellers" |
"BANU" |
"string" |
false |
true |
en | "UUID of the item from the API." |
de | "UUID des Items aus der API." |
"aff1d3cf-2e01-48a1-8ce3-47fbdbeceb16" |
"ARG_GalactapediaUrl" |
de | "Glactapedia URL" |
en | "galactapediaurl" |
"url" |
de | "Glactapedia URL" |
en | "Galactapedia URL" |
false |
true |
en | "The URL of the item on Galactapedia" |
de | "Die URL des item im Galactapedia" |
"https://robertsspaceindustries.com/galactapedia/article/V3qgm9vdxm-defender" |
"type_cargo.small" |
de | "Commodity" |
en | "Commodity" |
"type_char_accessory_eyes" |
"type_char_armor_arms.heavy" |
de | "Armpanzerung" |
en | "Arms armor" |
"type_char_armor_arms.light" |
de | "Armpanzerung" |
en | "Arms armor" |
"type_char_armor_arms.medium" |
de | "Armpanzerung" |
en | "Arms armor" |
"type_char_armor_backpack" |
"type_char_armor_backpack.personal" |
"type_char_armor_helmet.heavy" |
"type_char_armor_helmet.light" |
"type_char_armor_helmet.medium" |
"type_char_armor_legs.heavy" |
de | "Beinpanzerung" |
en | "Legs armor" |
"type_char_armor_legs.light" |
de | "Beinpanzerung" |
en | "Legs armor" |
"type_char_armor_legs.medium" |
de | "Beinpanzerung" |
en | "Legs armor" |
"type_char_armor_torso.heavy" |
de | "Oberkörperpanzerung" |
en | "Torso armor" |
"type_char_armor_torso.light" |
de | "Oberkörperpanzerung" |
en | "Torso armor" |
"type_char_armor_torso.medium" |
de | "Oberkörperpanzerung" |
en | "Torso armor" |
"type_char_armor_undersuit" |
de | "Unteranzug" |
en | "Undersuit" |
"type_char_armor_undersuit.heavy" |
de | "Unteranzug" |
en | "Undersuit" |
"type_char_clothing_feet" |
"type_char_clothing_hands" |
"type_char_clothing_hat.light" |
"type_char_clothing_hat.medium" |
"type_char_clothing_hat.heavy" |
"type_char_clothing_legs" |
"type_char_clothing_legs.light" |
"type_char_clothing_legs.medium" |
"type_char_clothing_legs.heavy" |
"type_char_clothing_torso_0" |
"type_char_clothing_torso_1" |
"type_char_clothing_torso_1.light" |
"type_char_clothing_torso_1.medium" |
"type_char_clothing_torso_1.heavy" |
"type_container.cargo" |
de | "Cargo pod" |
en | "Cargo pod" |
"type_dockingcollar" |
de | "Kraftstoffdüse" |
en | "Fuel nozzle" |
"type_emp" |
de | "EMP-Generator" |
en | "EMP generator" |
"type_externalfueltank" |
de | "Treibstoffbehälter" |
en | "Fuel pod" |
"type_fps_consumable" |
de | "Verbrauchsgut" |
en | "Consumable" |
"type_fps_consumable.hacking" |
de | "Cryptokey" |
en | "Cryptokey" |
"type_fps_consumable.medical" |
de | "Medizinisches Verbrauchsgut" |
en | "Medical consumable" |
"type_fps_consumable.medpack" |
de | "Medizinisches Verbrauchsgut" |
en | "Medical consumable" |
"type_fps_consumable.oxygencap" |
de | "Medizinisches Verbrauchsgut" |
en | "Medical consumable" |
"type_inventorycontainer.cargo" |
de | "Container" |
en | "Container" |
"type_miningmodifier.gun" |
de | "Bergbaumodul" |
en | "Mining module" |
"type_misc" |
de | "Miscellaneous item" |
en | "Miscellaneous item" |
"type_misc.harvestable" |
de | "Harvestable item" |
en | "Harvestable item" |
"type_missilelauncher.missilerack" |
de | "Raketenwerfer" |
en | "Missile rack" |
"type_powerplant.power" |
de | "Generator" |
en | "Power plant" |
"type_quantumdrive" |
de | "Quantenantrieb" |
en | "Quantum drive" |
"type_quantuminterdictiongenerator" |
de | "Quantum Enforcement Device" |
en | "Quantum enforcement device" |
"type_radar.midrangeradar" |
"type_salvagehead" |
de | "Bergungskopf" |
en | "Salvage head" |
"type_salvagemodifier" |
de | "Bergungsmodifikator" |
en | "Scraper module" |
"type_salvagemodifier.salvagemodifier_tractorbeam" |
de | "Traktorstrahl" |
en | "Tractor beam" |
"type_shield" |
de | "Schildgenerator" |
en | "Shield generator" |
"type_towingbeam" |
de | "Abschleppstrahl" |
en | "Towing beam" |
"type_tractorbeam" |
de | "Traktorstrahl" |
en | "Tractor beam" |
"type_turret.ballturret" |
de | "Waffenturm" |
en | "Weapon mount" |
"type_turret.canardturret" |
de | "Waffenturm" |
en | "Weapon mount" |
"type_turret.gunturret" |
de | "Waffenturm" |
en | "Weapon mount" |
"type_turret.nosemounted" |
de | "Waffenturm" |
en | "Weapon mount" |
"type_weaponattachment" |
de | "Waffenbefestigung" |
en | "Weapon attachment" |
"type_weaponattachment.barrel" |
de | "Laufbefestigung" |
en | "Barrel attachment" |
"type_weaponattachment.bottomattachment" |
de | "Unterlaufbefestigung" |
en | "Underbarrel attachment" |
"type_weaponattachment.ironsight" |
de | "Zielfernrohr" |
en | "Optics attachment" |
"type_weaponattachment.magazine" |
"type_weaponattachment.utility" |
de | "Multi-Tool-Aufsatz" |
en | "Multi-Tool attachment" |
"type_weaponmining.gun" |
de | "Bergbaulaser" |
en | "Mining laser" |
"type_weapongun.rocket" |
de | "Raketenkapsel" |
en | "Rocket pod" |
"type_weaponpersonal.gadget" |
"type_weaponpersonal.grenade" |
"type_weaponpersonal.knife" |
"type_weaponpersonal.large" |
de | "Geschulterte Waffe" |
en | "Shouldered weapon" |
"type_weaponpersonal.medium" |
de | "Gewehr" |
en | "Stocked weapon" |
"type_weaponpersonal.small" |
de | "Seitenwaffe" |
en | "Sidearm weapon" |
"class_ballistic" |
de | "Ballistisch" |
en | "Ballistic" |
"class_energy (laser)" |
de | "Energy (Laser)" |
en | "Energy (Laser)" |
"class_energy (plasma)" |
de | "Energy (Plasma)" |
en | "Energy (Plasma)" |
"class_foam dart" |
de | "Foam dart" |
en | "Foam dart" |
"class_civilian" |
de | "👔 Zivil" |
en | "👔 Civilian" |
"class_competition" |
de | "🏁 Wettkampf" |
en | "🏁 Competition" |
"class_military" |
de | "🎖️ Militär" |
en | "🎖️ Military" |
"class_industrial" |
de | "⚒️ Industrie" |
en | "⚒️ Industrial" |
"class_stealth" |
de | "👻 Stealth" |
en | "👻 Stealth" |
"class_salvage and repair" |
de | "Bergung & Reparatur" |
en | "Salvage & repair" |
"class_tractor beam" |
de | "Traktorstrahl" |
en | "Tractor beam" |
"class_ballistic scattergun" |
de | "Ballistische Scattergun" |
en | "Ballistic scattergun" |
"class_ballistic cannon" |
de | "Ballistische Kanone" |
en | "Ballistic cannon" |
"class_ballistic repeater" |
de | "Ballistischer Repetierer" |
en | "Ballistic repeater" |
"class_ballistic gatling" |
de | "Ballistische Gatling" |
en | "Ballistic gatling" |
"class_distortion scattergun" |
de | "Verzerrung Scattergun" |
en | "Distortion scattergun" |
"class_distortion cannon" |
de | "Verzerrungskanone" |
en | "Distortion cannon" |
"class_distortion repeater" |
de | "Verzerrungsrepetierer" |
en | "Distortion repeater" |
"class_laser scattergun" |
de | "Laser Scattergun" |
en | "Laser scattergun" |
"class_laser cannon" |
de | "Laserkanone" |
en | "Laser cannon" |
"class_laser repeater" |
de | "Laser Repetierer" |
en | "Laser repeater" |
"class_laser beam" |
de | "Laserstrahl" |
en | "Laser beam" |
"class_mass driver cannon" |
de | "Massentreiberkanone" |
en | "Mass driver cannon" |
"class_neutron cannon" |
de | "Neutronenkanone" |
en | "Neutron cannon" |
"class_neutron repeater" |
de | "Neutronen Repetierer" |
en | "Neutron repeater" |
"class_plasma scattergun" |
de | "Plasma Scattergun" |
en | "Plasma scattergun" |
"class_plasma cannon" |
de | "Plasmakanone" |
en | "Plasma cannon" |
"class_tachyon cannon" |
de | "Tachyonenkanone" |
en | "Tachyon cannon" |
"class_medgel refill" |
de | "MedGel Refill" |
en | "MedGel refill" |
"class_rmc canister (small)" |
de | "RMC Kanister" |
en | "RMC canister" |
"shortdesc_grade" |
de | "$1 Grad $2" |
en | "$1 grade $2" |
"shortdesc_manufactured_by" |
de | "$1 hergestellt von $2" |
en | "$1 manufactured by $2" |
"actions_find_item_title" |
de | "Finde das Item im Spiel" |
en | "Find item in game" |
"actions_find_item_text" |
de | "Unterstützt durch Universal Item Finder" |
en | "Powered by Universal Item Finder" |