This documentation is transcluded from Module:Pluralize/doc. Changes can be proposed in the talk page.
Function list |
local p = {}
-- Pluralize a word based on local dictionary or rules.
-- To use this directly in Lua, use common.pluralize instead
function p.pluralize( frame )
local base = frame.args[ 1 ]
local return_val
local base_len = string.len( base )
local base_end = string.sub( base, -1 )
local base_last2 = string.sub( base, -2 )
-- dictionary first - irregular plurals
if (string.lower( base ) == 'nebula') then
return_val = string.sub( base, 1, 1 ) .. 'ebulae'
elseif (string.lower( base ) == 'torpedo') then
return_val = string.sub( base, 1, 1 ) .. 'orpedoes'
-- uncountable - so no plurals
elseif (string.sub( base, -5 ) == 'armor') then
return_val = base
-- rules
elseif (base_end == 'y') then
if (base_last2 == 'ey') then
-- ex - money
return_val = string.sub( base, 1, base_len - 2 ) .. 'ies'
-- ex - Secretary
return_val = string.sub( base, 1, base_len - 1 ) .. 'ies'
elseif (base_end == 'h') then
if (base_last2 == 'ch' or base_last2 == 'sh') then
-- ex church or fish
return_val = base .. 'es'
-- ex - blah
return_val = base .. 's'
elseif (base_end == 's') then -- ex - Idris - Or should we deal with things like crisis/crises as a rule?
return_val = base
elseif (base_end == 'e') then
if (base_last2 == 'fe') then
-- ex knife or wife
return_val = string.sub( base, 1, base_len - 2 ) .. 'ves'
-- ex - blah
return_val = base .. 's'
else -- default rule
return_val = base .. 's'
return return_val
return p