When joining us a new member we'd like to stress that you should always feel like you can join in, it's understandable that people can sometimes feel like an outsider when they join a group of people who know each other well, but trust us, we can't wait to get to meet you. There is no skill level or time commitment needed to join TBAC and we know that real life must always come first. We are all here because we want to play with other citizens just like you.
Special events
When a special event is available we try our best to make sure it is well publicised throughout the Org. Our leadership is always working on cross-organisation events with as many players as possible. These will be announced both in the general chat, but if you'd like more info on upcoming events, you can look in the org-events channel on Discord or the events section of the website found here: Events
Weekly events
Each of the three sectors generally runs a weekly event, though this can be less frequent during the quieter times in the year, like holiday periods or when a recent patch has made the game too unstable for group events to be practical. The events are generally themed to the sector but be prepared for anything! Our weekly sector event nights are:
Military Mondays
Industrial Wednesdays
Science & Exploration Fridays
We also host non-sector specific events ad-hoc throughout the week:
Interdiction Tuesday
Battlegroup Thursday
Training Sundays
Submitting Events
If you wish to submit an idea for an event either contact the relevant Admiral / Vice Admiral / Rear Admiral directly or fill in the submission form which you can find here: Submission Form (Copy First)
About Us
When joining us as a new member we’d like to stress that you should always feel like you can join in, it’s understandable that people can sometimes feel like an outsider when they join a group of people who know each other well, but trust us, we can’t wait to get to meet you. There is no skill level or time commitment needed to join TBAC, and we know that real life must always come first. We are all here because we want to play with other like-minded citizens just like you.
Our Mission
TBAC is originally a British armada which was transformed to an organisation amidst the chaos. Over time TBAC has grown to encompass 18 different nationalities from all over Europe and some beyond.
A chilled-out atmosphere and freedom of choice remain the core foundations on which TBAC stand. Being friendly and supportive towards each other are also key aspects that define our organisation. You’ve got a problem? We are happy to help you out.
During planned events, we ask that you respect the established structure of our organisation. As such we expect you to keep comms discipline, refrain from talking over each other and follow directions if they are given from higher ranking members.
We aim to take full advantage of everything the game has to offer within TBAC, whether it’s peaceful exploration or medical, cargo running and mining. Or switching gears and jumping into action packed dogfights and ground-based combat, over specialised sectors Military, Industry and Science & Exploration. Our gameplay options are only limited by our own imaginations.
Our Aims
Through Military might, Industrial power and Scientific knowledge. We guarantee peace and prosperity amongst the stars.
Together we will build a brighter future for everyone, or burn it all down because we’re idiots!
“Everyone has their day, and some days last longer than others.” -Banksy
Since the dawn of time Humanity has always looked to the stars. What is out there? What will we find? Is there anything like us? These questions lingered within us for centuries until we finally had the chance of answering them. Originating from ancient Earth, humanity ventured out into the great unknown in search for answers to ancient questions. Planets were colonised and discoveries made. Humanity united and we became an interplanetary species.
But discovery leads to dangers and so humanity encountered a hostile species in the year 2541. With the first Tevarin-war, came a great arming campaign to the world of mankind. One of the many battle-groups created was the historic British-based armada, an armada famous for its deeds in the war and for their unique slogan. On every single one of their ships they would spray the prefix “TBAC” an abbreviation for “The British Are Coming”. This phrase simultaneously spread hope and fear in a time of war.
14.07.2867 (Location unknown)
We Are Mostly Idiots, You Could Be The Exception…
To continue being one of the most active UK organisations in the verse!
Core Values
Rules of Engagement
Structure and Sectors
When becoming a full TBAC member you will need to choose one of our sectors to join. Now don’t worry, being in one sector doesn’t stop you from being involved in other sectors activities or events, nor does it stop you from participating in their sector chat rooms. Just choose the one that feels right to you and aligns with the area of the game which you think most interests you (or will once it’s out of alpha). You can always change sectors at a later date should you change your mind.
Our Structure
TBAC Org Admirals consist of The_Banksy, and Noximillien_Caldero. They are admirals of the Org currently in a semi-retired role, The day-to-day running of the Org is carried out by sector Admirals, who in turn are assisted by the Vice Admirals. After the Admirals and Vice Admirals, come the Rear Admirals, Captains, Commanders, Lieutenant Commanders, Lieutenants, Sub-Lieutenants, Cadets, Reserves and Recruits followed by honoured guests, VIP’s and affiliates. Promotions are offered to those active members who help better the Org.
Our Sectors
When becoming a TBAC member you will need to choose one of our sectors to join. Now don't worry, being in one sector doesn't stop you from being involved in other sectors activities or events, nor does it stop you from participating in their sector chat rooms. Just choose the one that feels right to you and aligns with the area of the game which you think most interests you (or will once it's out of alpha). You can always change sectors at a later date should you change your mind.
Military Sector
Admiral: Puffer
The military Sector is the armoured branch of TBAC. Citizens who were born into the verse to kill and are looking for combat action, PvP & group operations are welcome to join the military Sector. Whether you want to aid fellow troops in combat missions with your space ships or want to safeguard our brave mining/smuggling pilots, the Military Sector is everything you’ve ever dreamt about! If you don’t have those skills, we will help train you to be the best Pilot, Marine or Special Forces operative you can be. Turn your name RED and join the military, help protect your Org mates, bring justice to the verse and generally have fun shooting things.
Industrial Sector
Admiral: Oibren85
Citizens who were born into the verse to make money, trade goods, mine rare minerals, haul cargo or want to research & build their way through the solar system, every organisation needs money men to keep the engines running and the QT flowing… Turn your name GREEN and join the Industrial Sector, network with other miners to find the best deposit, discuss trade routes and find the most profitable runs, there are lots of ways to make money in the game, if you ask Military nicely they might just escort your ass across the galaxy.
Science & Exploration Sector
Admiral: Tycan
Its great to be joining the sector and helping us forge a path forward whilst growing in number. Science & Exploration permeates so much in the verse and our role will be as diverse as it is deep. Don’t be fooled by people who tell you there is nothing to explore just yet! When the next patch goes live, we will be searching for everything from great mining spots, great trade runs to new locations on planets and more. All under the banner of exploration. Our role is vast and we aim to take point on discovering new opportunities as well as locations! Oh and let’s not forget science! Medical gameplay is incoming and falls squarely into science. Yet another area with awesome supportive opportunities. We are the pioneers, the scouts, the explorers and when times are hard, the backbone that keeps the hearts of our citizens beating.
Our Teams
Admin Team
The Head of Admin Team is Tycan
The Admin Team is made up of volunteers from the other three sectors who wish to contribute towards the running of the Org. We do not ask for a serious commitment to join the Admin team, by joining you are only telling us that you are interested in helping us. If you would like to join us or learn more then you can should post in the Admin chat or contact Tycan.
The Admin Team is in charge of running and creating content for social media, YouTube, Twitch, the website, logos, posters and other documents.
This includes projects such as this welcome pack and the recruitment video.
Racing Team
The Racing Team is made up of members from the other three sectors who show a particular interest to the racing grade within the verse. We do not expect a minimum skill level to join the Racing Team, by joining you are only telling us that you are interested in racing in general. If you would like to join us or learn more then you can, just post in the Racing-team chat or contact Admiral Noximilien
Organization Recruitment
In order for applicants to join our Org they must join TBAC Discord and say hello to someone from management. If you do not have Discord you can download it from their official website here: https://discord.com/
When you have downloaded Discord you can use this link to join our server: TBAC
After Joining
If you have not applied to become a member of the Org on the RSI webpage then you should do so here: RSI
Upon joining the server you will only have access to the Welcome Centre and About our org. Read the message in the welcome channel carefully, at the bottom you will find a red button “contact management”. You will need to press this to open a ticket to start your induction process and give you access to the discord.
At this point you will be an Org member with the standard rank of RCT which stands for recruit and you’ll have access to the vast majority of our discord channels. You should visit our Org Overview channel where you can read about our sectors. We would also like you to visit our Org Rules and Info and have a quick read of our guidelines.
Finally, drop into the general chat and say hello to your new Org mates, there’s probably a few welcome messages waiting for you already! After a 30 day probationary period you’ll be considered for Res (reserve) rank and become a fully fledged member of TBAC with access to all our channels. Don’t wait for that to get involved though, we’d love for you to join our weekly events and play sessions as soon as you can.