UEES Ammit

UEEN Carrier Vessel

The UEES Ammit is a carrier vessel of the United Empire of Earth Navy. It is from this vessel that Lieutenant Commander Liam Nealy flew a combat mission and was stranded behind Vanduul lines in an unspecified system. He returned safely, and his adventure was reported on by Empire Report in January 2948.[1]


Ammit was an Egyptian God of the Dead.[2] While her class is not specified, she may be intended to be a Pegasus class, following the convention of naming such vessels after mythical creatures, as seen with the UEES Gemini and UEES Chimera.

  1. Empire Report: Stranded in Vanduul Space. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2023-10-24
  2. Wikipedia: Ammit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ammit
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