Cutlass Blue Plushie

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Cutlass Blue Plushie

This soft plushie is modeled after Drake Interplanetary's widely popular multifunction ship, the Cutlass Blue. Even the most hardened spacefarer will appreciate its gentle squish.

[1] The item was added to the Subscriber-exclusive store and available to all Subscribers to pledge in October 2022 for $4.00 USD. Can also be purchased retroactively in the Subscribers store.

Product description

"Forget Finley the stormwal or Pico the penguin, real pilots know the only plushie worth cuddling is a Drake Cutlass. Available now in each of the ship’s four variants, this in-game plushie will add a sense of home to even the most utilitarian cockpits."

See also


  1. October 2022 Subscriber Promotions. Transmission - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2023-04-16
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