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Game Options

From the Star Citizen Wiki, the fidelity™ encyclopedia

Star Citizen Configuration

The configuration for Star Citizen Gameplay Mechanics is handled with the Options Menu that is available immediately after launching the game or by pressing the 'Esc' key while playing the game. The format of the menu has been evolving over time as new features and systems are brought online within the game. The options normally don't need to be adjusted once set to work most effectively with your game playing style.

Option Groups

Star Citizen Options are broken down into 6 major groups:

  • GAME SETTINGS - Where general game mechanics configurations are found
  • GRAPHICS - Where all video size and resolution parameters are setup
  • AUDIO - Music, Speech, and Sound Effects settings
  • CONTROLS - Inversion, Sensitivity, and Special adjustment to controllers
  • KEYBINDINGS - Mapping of controllers to various commands and actions within the game
  • COMM SETTINGS - Configuration for Face Over IP service feature

Configuration Details

For each group of options, several bits of information are available:

  • IN - What version of the game was the option introduced
  • OUT - What version of the game the option was removed
  • GAME SETTING - The name of the individual game configuration setting
  • DEFAULT - The value of the setting pre-assigned by default
    • Keyboard / Mouse
    • Gamepad Controller
    • Joysticks / HOTAS
  • DESCRIPTION - Layman's defination of the game setting
  • NOTES - Any particular notes worth remarking on the setting or use

Options Menu

In Out Star Citizen Game Setting Default Description
2.x Cinematic Cameras No Turn On or Off camera which follows a missile fired by long keypress.
2.x Vibration Yes Include vibration as a special effect
2.x Show Hints Yes Display helpful message and tips at the bottom of screen
2.x Contextual Dialog Subtitles No Add subtitles to NPC audio dialogs
2.x Cockpit Audio Subtitles No Add subtitles to Cockpit audio dialogs
2.x Toggle - Sprint No Change the behavior of the Sprint keybind between press once and hold
2.x Toggle - Crouch Yes Change the behavior of the Crouch keybind between press once and hold
2.x Toggle - Prone Yes Change the behavior of the going Prone keybind between press once and hold
2.x Toggle - Aim Down Sight No Change the behavior of the Aim keybind between press once and hold
2.x Toggle - Interaction Mode No Change the behavior of the Interaction keybind between press once and hold
2.x Toggle - Lean Yes Change the behavior of the Lean keybind between press once and hold
3.5.0 Toggle - Coupled Mode Yes Change the behavior of the Coupled keybind between press once and hold
3.5.0 Toggle - HOTAS Thrust Invert Yes Change the behavior of the Invert Thrust keybind between press once and hold
2.x Gsafe Defaults On Yes Turn On or Off the Gsafe Defaults
3.5.0 Speed Limiter Defaults On Yes Turn On or Off the Speed Limiter Defaults
2.x Disable Gsafe When Boosting Yes While boosting engines disable Gsafe overrides
2.x Coupled Mode Defaults On Yes Turn On or Off the Coupled Mode Defaults
2.x Flight Lead Pip Reticle Yes Turn On or Off the Flight Lead Pip Reticle
2.x Weapon Gimbal Lock Enabled by Default No Lock or Unlock the weapons gimbles by default
3.5.0 Snap Aim Pip to Target Yes Turn On or Off fixed weapons assist.
2.x Subtitles Enabled No Add subtitles to game
2.x Star Map Zoom Speed 30 Relative speed at which the star map will zoom in or out

In Out Star Citizen Game Setting Default Description
2.x Gamma 50 Adjust the video gamma
2.x Brightness 50 Adjust the video brightness
2.x Contrast 50 Adjust the video contrast
2.x Resolution 1920x1080 Screen resolutions: 800x600 - 1920x1080
2.x Fullscreen Yes Run game in fullscreen mode
2.x Quality High Qualities: Low - Medium - High - Very High
2.x Field of View 86 Adjust the Field of view
2.x Motion Blur Camera & Object Motion blur special effect: Off - Camera - Camera&Object
2.x Vsync Yes Turn On or Off the vsync
2.x Fullscreen Windowed No Run game in a fullscreen windowed mode
2.x Sharpening 0 ??
3.5.0 Chromatic Aberration 100 ??

In Out Star Citizen Game Setting Default Description
2.x Sound Effects Volume 100 Volume of sound effects
2.x Music Volume 100 Volume of music
2.x Speech Volume 100 Volume of speaking
2.x Ship Computer Speech Volume 100 Volume of Ship Computer
2.x Simulation Announcer Volume 100 Volume of Announcers
2.x Race Mode Commentary Yes Include ongoing race commentary
2.x Dynamic Range Full Range Ranges: Minimum Range - Medium Range - Full Range
2.x Device Optimization Speakers Devices: Speakers - Headphones
2.x Ship Computer Verbosity Full Verbosities: Off - Low - Medium - High - Full
3.5.0 Audio Vibration Strength 100 Intensity of ship vibration screen effects generated by loud world audio in close proximity (thrusters, explosions).

Inversion Settings
Joystick Sensitivity Curves
Mouse Control Options
In Out Star Citizen Game Setting Keyboard / Mouse Gamepad Joystick / HOTAS Description Notes
2.x Mouse Sensitivity 34 (NA) (NA) How sensitive the mouse is to movement
2.x ADS Sensitivity 51 (NA) (NA) How fast the zooming for ADS is
2.x Zoom Multiplier No (NA) (NA) Turns ON/OFF the mouse zooming scaling
2.x Zoom Multiplier Scale 1 (NA) (NA) Scaling factor for mouse zooming
2.x Mouse Acceleration 0.00 (NA) (NA) How fast the mouse catches up
2.x Mouse Smoothing 0.00 (NA) (NA) Extra smoothing of the mouse movement
Joystick Control Options

Flight - Cockpit
In Out Star Citizen Game Setting Keyboard / Mouse Gamepad Joystick / HOTAS Description Notes
2.x Eject (Hold) Y LSB+B Ctrl(r) + Button 6 Eject from ships that support ejection systems Left Toggle-Up
2.x Exit seat Y LSB+B Exit from any ships chair, stool, couch, or bed Left Toggle-Up
2.x Self Destruct Backspace LSB + RSB Tap to start 10 second countdown to explode, Tap again to abort
2.x Increase Cooler Rate Increases the rate at which the ship's cooler removes heat from components
2.x Decrease Cooler Rate Decreases the rate at which the ship's cooler removes heat from components
2.x Flight / Systems Ready R LSB + RSB Power on all craft systems instead of individually Right Toggle Down
2.x Open All Doors Open all external hatches, ramps, and elevators on the ship
2.x Close All Doors Close all external hatches, ramps, and elevators on the ship
2.x Lock All Doors Lock all external hatches, ramps, and elevators on the ship
2.x Unlock All Doors Unlock all external hatches, ramps, and elevators on the ship
Flight - View
Flight - Movement
Flight - Targeting (and Scanning)
Flight - Mining
Flight - Turrets
Flight - Weapons
Flight - Defense
Flight - Power
Flight - Radar
Flight - HUD
On Foot - All
E.V.A - All
Ground Vehicle - General
Ground Vehicle - Movement
Ground Vehicle - Gunner
Electronic Access - Spectator
Social - General
Social - Invites
Social - Emotes
Interaction - All
Camera - Advanced Camera Controls
Gamepad Controller Legend:
LTS-Left Thumb Stick .. LSB-Left Shoulder Button .. LTS(button)-Left Stick Button
RTS-Right Thumb Stick .. RSB-Right Shoulder Button .. RTS(button)-Right Stick Button

In Out Star Citizen Game Setting Default Description
3.4 Enable FOIP No Turn On or Off the Face Over IP feature
3.4 Mute Microphone No Prevent the game from capturing audio
3.4 Microphone Volume 0 How loud you want your microphone to be
3.4 VOIP Audio Volume 100 How loud you want the VOIP coming in
3.4 Calibrate FOIP Calibrate Allows you to calibrate your camera for FOIP
3.4 Enable Free Look No ??
3.4 Free Look only when Seated No ??
3.4 Head Tracking Mulitiplier - Pitch 3.00 Scaling factor for tracking Head Pitch
3.4 Head Tracking Mulitiplier - Yaw 3.00 Scaling factor for tracking Head Yaw (left/right)
3.4 Head Tracking Mulitiplier - Roll 1.00 Scaling factor for tracking Head Roll (tilting)
3.4 Head Tracking Sensitivity - Pitch 1.50 Scaling sensitivity for tracking Head Pitch (up/down)
3.4 Head Tracking Sensitivity - Yaw 2.00 Scaling sensitivity for tracking Head Yaw (left/right)
3.4 Head Tracking Sensitivity - Roll 2.50 Scaling sensitivity for tracking Head Roll (tilting)
3.4 Head Tracking Max Angle - Pitch 90 Scaling max angle for tracking Head Pitch (up/down)
3.4 Head Tracking Max Angle - Yaw 45 Scaling max angle for tracking Head Yaw (left/right)
3.4 Head Tracking Max Angle - Roll 30 Scaling max angle for tracking Head Roll (tilting)
