Alpha Patch 4.0.1 is a series of hotfixes designed to stabilize Star Citizen's Alpha Patch 4.0.0. [1]
The patches are first released to the Hotfix channel and then promoted to the LIVE channel. The HOTFIX channel becomes available for periods of time when the client-side of the game needs the hotfix.
Hotfix | 2.3.2025 | sc-alpha-4.0.1-9508788-LIVE
Tonight's hotfix brings in a handful of crash and deadlock fixes for the client and server that are all in the Top 10 since 4.0.1 LIVE was released.
Currently we are tracking an issue with Vulkan and the latest Nvidia drivers and recommend using DX11 for now until a future nvidia update is released.
- Client Side Hotfixes
► 2 Client Crash Fixes
► 2 Client Deadlock Fixes
- Server/Hybrid Side Hotfixes
► 2 Server Crash Fixes
This DGS hotfix includes further trace logging improvements for transit to help track down additional information
Hotfix | 1.31.2025 | sc-alpha-4.0.1-9505265-LIVE
- Client Side
► Changing shards was causing mission location travel markers to become removed from the player. We have put in a fix to resolve this issue.
► Weapons on gimbals on gimbals (2x) under pilot were not getting proper weapon grouping and thus not getting a PIP. A fix has put in to help with this.
► We have put in a change to help with client/server zone mismatching which could cuase many transit/elevator issues. This requires both client/servers to be hotfixed. Please let us know if this reduces or helps with elevators opening to nothing!
- DGS/Hybrid Side
► Fixed 1 Server Crash
► Grim Hex turrets are firing upon players with Crime Stats from other jurisdictions. A fix has been put in as Quantum Travel was not properly handling hostility and not removing it and causing the issue.
► Mineables in the PU were getting into a state where the render node was getting stuck and not transitioning into an entity. This could take up to an hour for this to unstick itself. We have put in a DGS fix that should aliviate this issue.
Hotfix | 1.30.2025 | sc-alpha-4.0.1-9503160-LIVE
- Client Side
► A potential fix has put in for power allocation and power pips getting set to 0 or off randomly. Internal testing looks good but please let us know if more issues arise from this once out on the LIVE environment!
► Loadout custumizations were not saving for players in EA FPS matches. We have put in a fix for this so it shouldn't reset to default loadouts between joining.
- DGS/Hybrid Side
► 2 Server Crash Fixes. One of these was in the top 5 DGS crashes since 4.0.1 LIVE and should have a noticable stability improvement
► We have put in further entity management performance improvements along with the ability to adjust more under planet surface culling of rogue entities if needed
► We have a change put in that should help with players getting sent to incorrect and unloaded hangars before getting sent to the correct one when spawning a ship from the terminal outside of a hangar.
We were noticing a delay in the appearance of a player’s personal hangar when requested by an elevator. This delay occurs each time the hangar is requested, but not when revisiting the elevator from within the hangar. The delay is variable and it typically lasts between 1 to 3 seconds. By waiting for this brief period, players can prevent falling into space upon arrival at their Personal Hangar if the issue still occurs after this hotfix.
Hotfix | 1.29.2025 | sc-alpha-4.0.1-9501436-LIVE
This first hotfix tackles multiple stability and gameplay issues. The hotfix will be rolled out onto hybrids and server meshes while the client side will first open up to the HOTFIX channel for a period of time for testing. Once we verify the client-side fixes are ok we will then move it over to the LIVE channel for everyone
- Client Side Hotfixes
► 1 Client Crash Fix (Fixes a client crash that could happen when going into another party member's personal hangar)
- Server/Hybrid Side Hotfixes
► 4 Server Crash Fixes
► Further Updates to RMQ to help reduce dropped packets
► Further updates to the Entity Density Manager to help with high amounts of BWin issues. This change helps better remove physical entities that have fallen through planet surfaces as well as entities lost in space. Original issue was posted as Planet Monox but this update is more global (STARC-149624)
► Further streaming updates to help elevators stream in the proper hangar when traveling between hangars and to not invalidate instance culling when leaving a hangar. This is a potential update that will help with players attempting to get to a hangar and having the elevator open to nothing
► Added further mitigation for transit carriage getting stuck in the door closing state. This is a potential fix that caused Elevators to be present but caused panel buttons stop functioning. (STARC-121322)
- ↑ Star Citizen Alpha 4.0.1 LIVE Hotfix Central. Spectrum. Retrieved 2024-01-29