Star Citizen Alpha 3.23.1
2024-06-13 - 8 months ago
Star Citizen Alpha 3.24.0
Star Citizen Alpha 3.23.1a is a minor update for Star Citizen, updating the Sabre Firebird and working on missile and performance fixes
Launcher should now show: VERSION 3.23.1-LIVE.9204897
Characters in this new environment will be built from LTP data so items such as medpens, ammo, rentals, and refinery jobs will be lost.
- Long Term Persistence: Enabled
- Replication Layer: Enabled
- Server Crash Recovery: Enabled
- Starting aUEC: 20,000
Known Issues
- PU - Locations / Vehicles / VMS - Options for repair, refuel and restock are unavailable throughout PU
- PU - Actor - Interaction - Characters / Game Code / Ships / Vehicles - Placing Items on certain objects causes the Player to back away, place the item on the floor, then the item returns to their hands
- PU - Stanton - ASOP / Fleet Manager / UI - ASOP Terminals fade to black when accessed after delivering a vehicle
- PU - Actor - Inventory - Player is able to get in a state where items in inventory become inaccessible
- Multivehicle - PU - Vehicles - When docking or retrieving a ship to a docking port at a station, the docking arm will not extend
- Stanton - Lorville - NPE - Missions - Tutorial spawns food and drink items in another room
- PU - Prison/Klescher - Escape route- Klescher Laser mines will detonate even when prone under
- PU - Stanton - Salvage - Mission Content / Game Code - Destroying the target does not fail the mission
- PU - Grim Hex - Locations / Law & Criminality / AI - Grim Hex turrets and guards will shoot at players with a crimestat
- PU - Stanton - GrimHEX - Locations / Actor Feature - Player corpses will not despawn at GrimHEX
- PU - Derelict settlements - Locations / AI / Spawn Closets - AI do not move after spawning
- PU - Stanton - Distribution Center (DC) - Locations / Art / Design - Players are unable to use ledge grabs to climb out of maintenance hatches placed on the ground
- Robert Space Industries Scorpius Antares - PU - Vehicles/EMP - unable to activate EMP
- PU - Stanton - ASOP / Locations - Retrieving a Hull C at locations without a docking port will display 'unable to handle your request at this time'
- PU - Multiweapon - Graphics - Backpack Reloading - Weapons reload invisible magazine when reloading from backpack
- PU - Actor / Armor - Equipping an additional helmet on a character while the hip attachment point is occupied will result in asphyxiation
- PU - Locations - Grim Hex / New Babbage - Physical Shopping - UI / AR Card / Consumables - Tigersclaws on shelf are missing purchase cards
Features and Gameplay
- Missile Adjustments
- Increased missile lock min/max ranges. Reduced missile speeds. Balanced missile fuel tank amounts.
- Reduced Salvage Coverup Rewards
Ships & Vehicles
- Hornet Tuning Updates
- F7a Hornet Mk2 Lateral strafe capabilities have been fixed and should now be in line with tuning expectations.
- F7CR upstrafing capacity adjustment.
- Lowered boost fuel use of the entire Anvil Hornet series.
- Increased Sabre Firebird missile count from 12 -> 24
- Sabre Firebird ARMR has been modified to reduce all emissions by 40%
- Updated Retaliator to have Size 3 guns on all turrets and updated turret constraints
Core Tech
- Removed vehicle entrance markers when in a different zone or too far away
- Made Further Client Performance Optimizations
- Vehicle Hit Damage Network Performance Optimizations
- Full Ship Weapon Audio Mixing Pass
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue causing clients to experience a generic 30000 error and disconnect when loading into the PU
- Elevators at the Pyro Jump Point Station should now arrive when called
- Fixed an issue causing carriable objects to fall through many floors around the PU
- Fixed and issue causing to not hit their target when the target is rotating
- Fixed AI's reacting to non-hostile players firing causing them to not get an attention target
- Ship shield VFX should now play correctly
- Oxygen should no longer deplete excessively fast whilst in Klescher's Work Mines or Prison Escape
- Fixed an issue causing many Exit/Get up prompts to be missing from beds
- Destroying the illegal probes during the Halt illegal Survalance missions should no longer cause players to get a crimestat
- Fixed precision targeting gimbal mode active without being in precision mode
- Asphyxiation issues should no longer be present in different locations of the AEGIS Retaliator
- GRIN Pyro Multi-Tool's Tractor beam attachment should no longer force weapon sensitivity depending on lifted weight
- The Sabre Raven base paint will no longer replace the paint of the Firebird almost entirely regardless of paint applied
- The ANVIL Ballista gunner seat should now have proper interaction points
- The Crusader Spirit Olympia Paint should no longer be missing
- Fixed missing Jumptown locations
- Fixed Nox missing left and right thrusters
- Kopion Horn and Marok Gem should now be able to be sold
- Origin 400i Interior elevator's panel should no longer disappear
- The F8C Lightning should no longer get a hazy cockpit view while flying through space clouds
- Fixed various visarea issues around the Aegis Hammerhead
- Fixed 6 Client Crashes
- Fixed 5 Server Crashes
- Fixed a Main Thread Deadlock
- Fixed an OOM - Out of system memory Client Crash