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Wildstar Racing

From the Star Citizen Wiki, the fidelity™ encyclopedia
Wildstar Racing - JP1104.svg
Wildstar Racing
Headquarters Reisse, Rhetor system
Type Racing organization and certification
Current Leader Tosko Nunnar, President
Founded in 2811

Wildstar Racing started as a small Spectrum channel where racing enthusiasts would share vids of themselves racing on their favorite local tracks. Since then, they have grown into a sanctioned racing organization specializing in rally tracks and are widely recognized as an affordable proving ground for amateur racers to work towards competing in higher-profile leagues.[1]

Wildstar Racing manages the Wildstar Racing Amateur League.

Racing certification

Level Perk
7 Skilled Racer Access to Miner's Lament track
6 Experienced Racer Acess to Yadar Valley track
5 Dedicated Racer Access to The Caplan Circuit track
4 Practiced Racer Access to The Snake Pit track
3 Racer Access to SkyScraper track
2 Rookie Racer Access to Icebreaker track
1 Novice Racer
0 Racing Enthusiast Access to Lorville Outskirts track



  1. Star Citizen Monthly Report - November/December 2022. Transmission - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2023-01-21
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