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From the Star Citizen Wiki, the fidelity™ encyclopedia

An android is a robot designed to look and act like a human.


Currently, there is no indication that intelligent AI or androids exist legally within human society, likely as a result of the loss of the Artemis and other incidents.[1] The development of AI and advanced robots has stopped after several backlashes.[2][3][4][5] Only non-intelligent robots are used within the UEE.[6]

Other Races

The fictional story A Human Perspective reveals that the Banu could have developed human-shaped robots. The story was later withdrawn.'[7] The Xi'an term chainunya (Elemental: chai - "technology", nun - "in the form of/shape", nya - "person") refers to a "robot, specifically an android".[8]


  1. New United - Will We Never Learn?. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link
  2. (Offline), Nov 2015: Dave Haddock: "(...) we have peppered a handful of incidents (here and here are a couple examples) throughout the history to try to establish why Humanity has not pursued AI as a viable technology."
  3. (Offline), Dec 2015, "I have to be honest; the rationale against AIs seems really weak to me. (...) What about the other races? Why don't they make AI controlled ships?" Dave Haddock: Part of the idea was exactly as you stated, every fifty or a hundred years, somebody would get it in their head that they would be the ones who would crack the AI problem and invariably it would go awry. Since we were just constructed the Time Capsules as daily updates to countdown until the GDC announcement in 2012, we only had a limited number of slots to devote to historical events and there was a lot of other aspects to cover. I have a feeling that there would be many more events that would have soured Humanity to the thought of pursuing AI, but there currently isn't that much of a priority to fill them in at the moment, since it was more important to establish why there isn't any AI in the 'present.' But yes, we'll probably go back and pepper some more incidents throughout history to shore up the logic.
  4. (Offline), Aug 2015: (Question:) "I'm not sure if, in lore, there was some kind of 'AI arms race treaty' agreement signed amongst the various UEE/UPE members that justifies the writer's decision to exclude AI adoption within the wider verse.", Dave Haddock: We haven't done an AI arms race specifically. Currently, the list of AI accidents that have dissuaded Humanity from pursuing AI are: The Artemis The Lemming Car and the Horus Incident"
  5. (Offline), Dec. 2014, Dave Haddock: Personally, I feel like the Messer Era could have slowed the technological advancements, but we've established a handful of historical events to explain the lack of AI under the idea that it wasn't one single event, but a group of them that has 'dissuaded' Humanity from pursuing AI tech: (...) But it also raises an interesting point. In the early discussions about the game, Chris talked about the experience he was going for as a player: visceral space combat, a universe that needed you to explore from place to place. While the real future may be entirely AI, drones, cross-system spaceship control, it honestly doesn't lend itself for that type of gameplay experience. So, for me, Star Citizen is meant to be more stylized than an attempt to make an accurate projection of how Humanity will look in the 30th Century.
  6. (Offline), Dec 2014: (Question:) What kind of robots, androids, artificial intelligence or artificial organisms can we expect in SC ? (...) 1. Non intelligent Robots ... an electro-mechanical machine guided by a computer program or electronic circuitry. Robots can be autonomous or semi-autonomous , usually run by a program or operated in remote controls. Simple tools , bare level semi intelligence, mechanical, no AI, run by remote controls or operated by a program. Example, modern robots up to types of droids. 2. Artificial semi intelligence...Not as developed as human or alien real life, semi intelligent robots are able to perform and think to solve small problems. Example: Star wars. 3... (...) Dave Haddock: At the moment, I would say Class 1 and 2.
  7. Lead Writer Dave Haddock on missing story on RSI site. Spectrum
  8. Xi'an Dictionary. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link