Master Tracker License Certification

Bounty Hunter mission from Bounty Hunters Guild
Master Tracker License Certification
Priority General
Type Bounty Hunter
UEC Buy In 25000
Start Location Stanton AO
Requirements Advanced Tracker License Certification
Faction Bounty Hunters Guild

The Master Tracker License Certification is the sixth and final tier of PVE Bounty Hunting permit offered by the Bounty Hunters Guild. Completing this certification mission opens up bounty missions for Extreme-Risk Target NPCs.[1]


Spoiler content

"As acknowledgment of your expertise in the craft, the Bounty Hunters Guild would like to offer you the chance to earn a Master Tracker License.

This license would signify that you are qualified to track and apprehend Extreme-Risk Targets (ERT). These are criminals who travel in sub-capital ships with heavy escorts. This class of bounty only gets assigned to the most experienced of trackers.

To successfully complete this certification process, you must apprehend an ERT ranked criminal by the name of (Name) last seen at (Location)."


  • Master Tracker License
Spoiler content

"This license issued by the Bounty Hunters Guild certifies that you are qualified to pursue and apprehend Extreme-Risk Targets (ERT)."


  1. In-game survey. Alpha 3.12.0 - Star Citizen
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