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Update:Star Citizen Alpha 3.24.1

Star Citizen build released on 2024-09-13
2024-09-13 - 5 months ago

Start Citizen Alpha 3.24.1 is a minor update for Star Citizen[1] .

Launcher should now show: VERSION 3.24.1-LIVE.9324446

Characters in this new environment have been built from Long Term Persistence(LTP) data.

Currently with LTP, certain player states such as personal hangar layout, custom characters, and in-game purchased consumables are not saved between releases which will cause some items to be lost in the next update.

Items not saved to LTP Include:

Hangar Decoration Customizations (Decorations will be returned to player's home location inventory)

Medpens, Ammo, Ongoing Rentals and Refinery Jobs, and Character Customization (Make sure to Export your Custom Character)

  • Long Term Persistence: Enabled
  • Replication Layer: Enabled
  • Server Crash Recovery: Enabled
  • Starting aUEC: 20,000

Known Issues & Information

For 3.24, Server Crash Recovery will remove all current missions and mark them as abandoned. This behavior is not the intended outcome in the long term and will be changed in an upcoming refactor. This will not reduce reputation when this occurs. This could cause a few trespassing issues in locations like UGFs.

  • The Argo ATLS currently cannot be destroyed (Not intended end goal and player inside is still vulnerable)
  • After having member in a party and re-invited after leaving the party, the Party marker did not appear over all party members
  • PU - Stanton - Multiple Locations - Server Recovery / Locations / Transit - Shuttles and Trams for all Major Landing Zones will disappear after server recovery causing the player to fall to their death at certain positions along their route
  • PU - Cargo / Trading - Selling Commodities at TDD or Admin Kiosks results in a "Failed Cargo Removal Failed" or "Failed Waiting for Pending Result" Message
  • PU - ATC / Personal Hangar - When retrieving a ship, then swapping servers and retrieving another ship, they will both be present in your hangar
  • PU - Stanton - Locations / Performance - Client framerate drops to single digits at ArcCorp Mining Area 157 on Yela
  • PU - Stanton - Cargo Hauling - Mission Content / Reputation - Players are still able to reaccept the Intro mission despite being "not eligible"
  • PU - Stanton - Locations / Graphics / Personal Hangars - There is a noticeable streaming issues on the exterior geometry of the freight elevator depending on the players location in Self Land Hangars
  • PU - Locations - Personal Hangars / Medical Hangars / Art - Medical elevator panels inside hangars are missing geometry
  • PU - Orison - Locations / Inventory - Storage Access kiosks at The Vision Center at Orison do not display any inventory (Fixed in later release)
  • PU - Stanton - Landing Zone (LZ) - Lorville / Area18 / Orison - Freight Elevators - Locations / Art / Graphics - There is a noticeable delay in loading the player's persistent hangar when they arrive via the elevator.
  • Crusader Hercules Starlifter ALL Variants - PU - Vehicles / Animation / Art - Personnel elevator is detached from vehicle and elevator doors do not open
  • PU - Tractor Beam / Physics - Multiple Active Tractor or Tow beams on the same object can make it float without an active tractor beam on it
  • PU - Lorville - Locations - Transit - HAB Elevators - There is a chance that the HAB elevators do not arrive when called
  • PU - UI / PIT Menu - Players cannot exit the Atls using the PIT Menu
  • PU - Mounts / Personal Hangar / ASOP - Vehicles cannot be retrieved while the ARGO ATLS is on the hangar elevator
  • PU - Mounts / Vehicles - ATLS Walking carrying cargo on ship causes damage

Features and Gameplay


  • Vehicle Terminal Scrollbar Will Now Stay in Position When Swapping Screens to Deliver and Claim
  • Collision Damage is Now Prevented for Tractorbeamed Entities

Ships & Vehicles

New Vehicle: Argo Astronautics ATLS Suit

The Argo ATLS is a powered suit that the player can mount / enter, designed to assist them in performing more heavy-duty cargo movement tasks.

The player can retrieve their ATLS via the Instanced Hangar ASOP Terminal. The suit cannot be retrieved via Spaceport ASOP terminals, or ground vehicle ASOP terminals.

The ATLS has its own bespoke tractor beam, that acts differently to the handheld tractor beams, and the tractor beam found on vehicles.

  • Rather than picking an item up at the point where the beam hits its target, the beam will pull the tethered item towards the player, holding it above the ATLS, whilst the player moves the placement preview. Upon placing the preview, the item will then move to the placement location. The player can also reset the rotation of the preview by pressing < MMB >

Bug Fixes and Technical Updates

Bug Fixes

  • 32 SCU commodity boxes should no longer be able to be bought at locations that cannot fit them in the freight elevator
  • Fixed an issue causing external hangar doors to not open properly when an instanced hangar is assigned an exit door
  • Fixed multiple issues causing destroyed ships to become unclaimable
  • Fixed elevators sometimes having greyed out panels and not responding when called
  • Fixed a loud bleeding audio loop when player holsters a Medgun
  • Fixed an issue causing players to not be able to sell gems for Merits in Klescher
  • Players should no longer be sent back to Klescher after completing the "Need An Out" prison escape mission
  • Fixed an issue causing docking collars to be blocked indefinitely on a server if a player leaves the server while their ship is docked and not stowed
  • Fixed an issue causing the error "Your Claim Currently Cannot Be Processed" when claiming/retrieving ships
  • Fixed an issue causing Missing Markers for Bounty Hunter Missions
  • Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to sell carryable items
  • Fixed an issue causing the Hull-C cargo transfer to be absent if spindles are not extended before entering loading bay
  • Store option should no longer be missions from the ASOP terminal when player's have a pending manual sell order
  • Anvil Hornet F7A Mk2 should no longer pitch down in atmospheric flight
  • The top row if blending heads in the character customizer should now be selectable
  • Players should no longer get stuck inside their habs during the New Player Experience missions
  • Landing Zone Freight Elevator should no longer get stuck on Loading Contents
  • ASOP claiming should no longer get stuck at 00:00 until leaving and re-entering the ASOP terminal
  • Location Inventory interface should no longer open behind the storage kiosk when using the new interaction flow
  • New Player Experience mission should now correctly progress past the "Prepare for Takeoff" objective
  • Co Pilot seat can now activate the Tractor Beam in the back of the Cutlass
  • Entities that clip under the ship elevator should no longer be able to break personal hangars and ASOP
  • Fixed an issue causing the MPUV to fall in gravity when carrying cargo (Thruster Strength Adjusted for cargo mass)
  • Players should no longer get a "Transition Cost Mismatch" error when attempting to sell Ores
  • Players with special characters in their windows username should no longer experience a shader cache file error when attempting to launch the game
  • Fixed an issue causing only 1 item to move when selecting multiple items on an Item Bank or Freight Elevator
  • Fixed an issue causing previews for items retrieved from freight elevators to be rotated incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue causing some or all of the hauling mission boxes to not come up on the freight elevator when using the Select All or Right Click in the UI to select them
  • Fixed an issue that allowed medium ground vehicles to be spawned in small sized personal hangars (Small hangar ships are too small for medium ground vehicles, so will no longer let small hangars spawn medium ground vehicles)
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to spawn near the center of Stanton when bed logging in orbit of Arccorp

Technical Updates

  • Fixed 3 Client Crashes
  • Fixed a Vulkan Renderer Specific Client Crash when dogfighting
  • Fixed an Intel 13/14th gen Specific Client Crash
  • Fixed 8 Server Crashes
  • Fixed a Server Deadlock
  • Fixed 2 Hybrid Service Crashes


  1. Star Citizen Alpha 3.24.1 - Cargo Empires. Patch Notes - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2024-09-14