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(Redirected from U.e'o se Kr.ē)
Quick facts:
Weó Kray
U.e'o Kr.ē
Empress of the Xi'an Empire

Weó Kray ( Xi'an: U.e'o se Kr.ē (Proper); literally Weó of House Kray; )[1] was the first Empress of the Kray dynasty. She was the first ruler of the united Xi'an realm after a 90 year-interregnum (called The Dark).



In 1305 CE (Common Era) the Kr'Thak crippled the leadership of the Xi'an by killing 'Empress' Xy.ō and her entire family. The following interregnum lead to chaos and internal struggle for the throne (called the Great Divide). The Kr.ē dynasty ascended to the throne, after a new born child of her line was selected to be Emperor, showing the correct genetic 'markers'.[2]


Shortly after her birth and the end of the 800 years' war against the Kr'Thak, U.e'o was crowned on July 4, 1457 CE (Common Era). Her regency heralded the Third Imperial Age. Family matriarch IIth se Kr.ē was given provisional power until U.e'o was of age.[2]


She strengthened settlements and military fortifications in systems connected to Kr'Thak, banned Jump Point searching in those systems and tried to minimize contact with Kr'Thak. Her descision lead to the Xi'an expansion away from the Kr'Thak, unknowingly towards human controlled space. Human and Xi'an made it first contact in 2530.


  1. Xian Language Overview, p.79
  2. 2.0 2.1 This Day in History: The Third Imperial Age. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2021-06-15
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