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From the Star Citizen Wiki, the fidelity™ encyclopedia
Kingdom Animal
Sentient? Yes
Capital Ka'ua (current), RyiXy'an (former),
Founded 19747 BCE
Language uo'aXy'an
Religion Li’Tova
Government Xi'an Empire
Ruler Emperor
Territories 12 known territories
Status Prosperous
Discovered In 2530
Discovered By Gaia Planet Services terraformers

The Xi'an ( Xi'an: xyan2(Xy'an) (Proper); Jh'an (Service); )[1] are a sentient, ancient species of bipedals. They are a calculating and peaceful alien race that is at peace with Humanity.


Xi'an are a bipedal reptiloid-like race with four fingers on each hand. They are exothermic, and can consciously control their metabolic rates to slow down their need for sustenance. This feature is used to increase endurance and concentration in long-distance travel,[2] and is also used used to reach a heightened state of euphoria that aids in the generation and appreciation of some of their artwork.[3]

Diet and Digestive System

Carrion formed an important part of the diet of prehistoric Xi'an. This has led to a reliance on forms of food preparation that utilise fermentation and decay, rather than heat and cooking. Unlike humans, they were not the apex predator of their ecosystem, and this has impacts upon their psychology.[4]

Xi'an excrete like birds by excreting feces and urine together.[5][6] Xi`an toilets are compared by the writers to "bird baths (...) with a fountain."


It is known that they once lived on a lush, tropical home world named RyiXy'an and that they were not always at the top of the food chain. They abandoned their homeworld after it was rendered uninhabitable at the climax of a civil war called The Great Divide.

Their history is marked by various conflicts - internal and external. The end of the last tumultuous period around 2500 Earth years ago, resulted in the so-called Third Age and ascension of the still ruling family of current Emperor Kr.ē.[7]

In the darker era of human history, the Imperator and government often used the Xi'an threat as a means to terrify their own citizens and swell the power of the military. Although neither side declared open war, there were many casualties due to the covert operations that both the Xi'an and Humanity took part in.


The Xi'an Empire is located along the border of UEE's 'eastern Systems' and is comprised of at least fourteen systems. The Xi'an government has not disclosed the exact number of systems under their control but it is assumed that they have more territory deeper into space.[8]

Their homeworld of RyiXy'an was rendered uninhabitable by a cataclysmic civil war known as The Great Divide. This event caused the warring Great Houses to establish the Xi'an Empire with its capital on Ka'ua, in the hopes of preventing further internecine conflict.

Diplomatic Status

Due to their extended lifespan, there are Xi'an from hundreds of years ago that are still alive. For example, Emperor Kr.é who negotiated the daring peace accord with Senator Akari back in 2789 is still alive and in power.

There are undoubtedly members of the Xi'an government who still regard the UEE with suspicion and distrust. The current Imperator has always been clear that our futures are intertwined. As more human corporations enter into tech-exchange deals with Xi'an companies, apparently they feel the same.


Xi'an have a long lifespan, which heavily affects their way of life. Xi'an can meditate for at least a day to the sounds of 'drone-like' operas.[9]


The Xi'an calendar is based on the celestial mechanics of their former homeworld, RyiXy’an, with one Xi'an year lasting 1.28 Human years. Each Xi’an year is assigned a number counting upwards from when the current imperial house ascended to the throne, and is prepended with a number that represents the corresponding Imperial Age. The First Imperial Age began in the Human year 19668 BCE, and was recorded by the Xi’an as I.0 (or 1.0) The current Third Imperial Age began in the Human year 1457, and was recorded by the Xi’an as as III.0 (or 3.0).[10]


Li’tova is the central code of ethics and main religion for the Xi’an people. It was established in roughly 33900 BCE by early Xi’an. The core of Li’tova centers around the concept of time; specifically, the intent and effect of all actions throughout time, no matter how small. It was codified into Xi’an law in I.0 (19668 BCE) by Emperor Ya.l'ē se Ru’a, the only surviving daughter of her House and the first Xi’an Emperor. A dedicated commune to Li’tova is located on the planet R.aip’uāng.[11]

Political system

A Xi’an House ( Xi'an: Yii'ua(Yii'ua) (Proper); literally line; ) is a complex social and familial body in the Xi’an Empire made up of members of a single family. Houses serve the functions of states and corporations within the framework of the Xi’an government. Each House is allowed by the Emperor to serve one function deemed vital to the mutual prosperity of the Xi’an Empire.[12] Their system resembles a federal monarchy or the historical Chinese system of Fengjian.

Some Xi'an individuals choose to disinherit themselves from their house and renounce all familial and financial support in order to pursue an independent life. They are known as Nyahuoaōng ( Xi'an: Nyahuoaōng(Nyahuoaōng) (Proper); ).[13]


The Xi’an Service ( Xi'an: Pō’t.ōngp.ū(Pō’t.ōngp.ū) (Proper); literally Imperial Bureaucracy; ) is a bureaucratic and military body made up of Xi’an aged 40 to 70. The backbone of the reigning Imperial House, the Service is compulsory for all Xi’an. It was created in the wake of the Xi’an Civil War (20044 - 19770 BCE) as a method to instill an overarching loyalty to the Imperial House and the Xi’an people rather than an individual Xi’an’s personal House of origin. While most return to their own Houses after their Service period ends, some elect to stay in the Service permanently.[14]

Pop culture

Romantic stories are popular among Xi'an. Many are about young Xi'an who have just entered the Imperial Bureaucracy having serendipitous meetings with members of their future bond-group. Usually, one or more of the bonded is forced to separate from their group, only to meet again when they return to their Houses at the end of their 30 years of service.[15]

Personality Traits

"The true value of a moment is learned upon its story being shared."
Traditional Xi'an proverb[16]


  1. Xi'an Dictionary - X'yan. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link
  2. Portfolio: Koa e Ko'ia. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2010-08-10
  3. Aopoa San'tok.yāi concept sale. Transmission - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2020-10-08
  4. CitizenCon 2947 - Xi’an History, Physiology, and Language. Retrieved 20202-08-10
  5. YouTube - Inside Star Citizen: Plan of Gatac, min. 12:25
  6. Note: Most birds (and also reptiles) doesn't have a bladder, so the elimination products of kidney and colon ending at a cloaca.
  7. This Day in History: The Third Imperial Age. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link
  8. Meet The Xi'an. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link
  9. Star Citizen Live: Alien Week Roundtable (June 2020), acc. 2020-06-13
  10. Xi'an Calendar. Galactapedia. Retrieved 2021-07-25
  11. Li'tova. Galactapedia. Retrieved 2021-07-25
  12. Xi'an House (Yii'ua). Galactapedia. Retrieved 2021-07-25
  13. Congress Now: Vote on Ambassador to the Xi'an Empire. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2021-08-19
  14. Xi’an Service (Pō’t.ōngp.ū). Galactapedia. Retrieved 2021-07-25
  15. Instagram: 2951 Alien Week fact #3 Accessed 2021-08-12
  16. Origin 890 Jump Brochure