This category contains pagesrelated tovehicles in the Hornet series.
The F7 Hornet Series are a series of ships by Anvil Aerospace. They are mostly dedicated towards combat and dogfighting. They are (and have been) some of the most powerful dogfighting ships in Star Citizen.[1][2]
"Legacy. For almost two centuries the Hornet has played a role. Like most Citizens in the UEE, it understands its part in the betterment of Humanity. Every time the Empire has asked the Hornet to step up, it has answered and answered with vigor. The Hornet is a defender. The Hornet is an attacker. The Hornet has been everything the UEE Navy needed it to be." Hornet: F7C Series brochure
Loadout compatibility
Center Attachment
Each variant of the Hornet is equipped with a Center Attachment slot, intended for the installation of various components such as scanners, ball turrets, or cargo modules. Within the same Mk series, these attachments are intended to be fully interchangeable; however, they are not compatible across Mk I and Mk II models.[3]
Nose Turret
For the Mk I series, the military C4-163F ball turret and F7A Mk I nose turret are exclusive to the F7A Mk I Hornet and cannot be mounted on other Mk I models.[3]
Turret usage
The pilot is capable of managing the ball turrets in the absence of a copilot, although these turrets will be restricted to a forward-facing position. Additionally, it is possible to activate remote turret mode; however, this will preclude simultaneous control of the ship. From a strategic standpoint, one could navigate in a straight trajectory, transition to remote turret operation, and target adversaries pursuing the ship. Nevertheless, for optimal operational efficiency, the vessel is best utilized with a two-person crew.[3]
The Anvil AerospaceF7C Hornet Mk I is the civilian version of the classic F7A Hornet, the carrier-based medium fighter utilized by UEE Navy. It is a multi-purpose fighter and is heavily redesigned to fit non-military components. The F7A's iconic center turret has been taken out and replaced by a cargo hold with a capacity of 2SCU.[4]
The AnvilF7C-M Super Hornet Mk I is designed to closely resemble the military load-out while still adhering to civilian regulations. It features the reattachment of the ball turret and incorporates nearly military-grade components. By introducing a second seat to divide logistical and combat responsibilities, the Super Hornet becomes an exceptionally formidable adversary. This enhancement demonstrates the effectiveness of teamwork and makes engaging with the Super Hornet a truly daunting prospect.[5][6]
The AnvilF7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I is the scanner variant of the F7C Hornet. It boasts an advanced radar suite making it ideal for deep-space explorers who require depth and accuracy in their scan packages. Local militia and larger merc units will also repurpose Trackers to act as mobile Command & Control ships for their squadrons.[7]
The Anvil AerospaceF7C Hornet Mk I is the civilian version of the classic F7A Hornet, the carrier-based medium fighter utilized by UEE Navy. It is a multi-purpose fighter and is heavily redesigned to fit non-military components. The F7A's iconic center turret has been taken out and replaced by a cargo hold with a capacity of 2SCU.[8]
The F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I is a special edition variant of the F7C Hornet Mk I developed by Anvil Aerospace, and was created as part of the Masters of Flight series in partnership with the flight simulation Arena Commander. The Wildfire serves as a homage to the esteemed pilot Aria Reilly, recognizing her significant contributions to the renowned Squadron 42. [9]
The AnvilF7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I is a special edition of the F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I. With a unique emblem on the side of the cockpit, it is loaded with top-of-the-line components and outfitted with four imposing Behring laser cannons. The top gun turret is replaced with a S4 weapons hardpoint.[10]
Series Military Variants
None of the military variants are available to the general public for purchase.
The F7A Hornet Mk I is the UEE Navy's premier carrier-based fighter craft, it is the front-line attack ship for military combat missions. While not outfitted for long range runs, the Hornet can take her share of hits and dish out a consistent, powerful response.[11]
The first F7A Hornet came out in 2806 and replaced the AegisAvenger as the standard medium fighter for the UEE.
The F7C Hornet is the first civilian ship produced by Anvil Aerospace. Due to the UEE military secrecy laws, that 60% of the military hardware in a given spacecraft cannot be offered to the civilians, Anvil has to replacing existing systems without being given access to their military equivalents. In some cases, designers must reconstruct subsystems based solely on publicly available holographs. Civilianizing top-of-the-line military spacecraft is a frustrating process, but one that has proved ultimately valuable for Anvil: company profits rose 34% after the first civilian model F7C Hornet was made available.[12]
The original F7A Hornet was created by CGBot and it was used in the first pitch video of Star Citizen in the Kickstarter campaign in 2012. Because F7A will be featured in Squadron 42 as a hero ship, in 2016, CIG decided to update the F7A Hornet to current standard since its mesh is still the old CGBot model.
The F7A Hornet Mk II is designed by Chris Smith (Lead Vehicle Artist) in CIG Austin. The idea was to keep the original Hornet F7 MK1 series in the game and then add the F7A MK2 model, modelled completely new from the ground up with the latest techniques and pipeline procedures in 2016, as Chris Roberts thought it would be cool to have the classic Hornet and the new version run side by side, and players would have the opportunity to keep the old MK1 as a classic collectors item.
The complete F7 MkI series of ships was withdrawn from the store following Invictus 2954 to accommodate the introduction of the MkII series. [13]
The F7A Hornet was originally featured in the Star Citizen Kickstarter trailer.[14]
At first the Hornet was to be a light fighter, but then after designs came back with it being heavily armed and beefy.[15]
The original F7A Hornet paid homage to the Hornet from Wing Commander which was a light fighter the player started out in.[15]