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Update:Star Citizen Patch v1.1.0

Star Citizen build released on 2015-03-20
2015-03-20 - 9 years ago



  • Added Free Flight Multiplayer
  • Added backend functionality for IFCS to turn off when a ship lands
  • Added Landing/Docking mode to Free Flight (engaged using N)
  • Added ability for ships to request landing permission in Free Flight (engaged using middle mouse button while Landing/Docking is active)
  • Added Automatic Approach landing mode to Free Flight (engaged using M when in range of a landing zone after having been given permission to land)
  • Added groundwork tech for new ship damage state system
  • Added the Rental Equipment Credits system. Our community team have a walkthrough here
  • Added a system for ships to generate turbulence when using their thrusters to hover over something


  • Gladius is now combat ready
  • Added new ship damage state system to the Gladius
  • Retaliator is now hangar ready


  • Added Aurora SXSW paint skin
  • Redesigned ballistic weapons so they have their own loadouts which will allow them to automatically be attached with ammunition

User Interface

  • Added a visual overheat warning to the HUD to accompany the auditory warning
  • Added identifier numbers to the end of non-unique Vanduul in Vanduul swarm
  • Added HUD element to display status of ESP toggle (no keybinding option yet but it can be turned on and off in the Main Menu)
  • Added HUD element to display when landing gear is deploying and deployed
  • Added an altimeter for Landing/Docking mode to show ships how far away from the platform the ship is
  • Added Rental Equipment Credits to scoreboard (the total value of credits earned is not calculated until the match is over)
  • Added ping value to scoreboard (currently doesn't work)
  • Added custom sensitivity curves to control options
  • Added backend support to allow the creation of subgroups within subgroups in control options


  • Added Simpod to hangar (replaces ship cockpit arena commander menu)
  • Added Xian ship miniature
  • Added Khartu-Al ship miniature



  • Increased number of landing platforms in Free Flight to 8
  • Changed friendly fire system – Pilots now receive "Infractions" for doing an amount of friendly fire damage in a short space of time. Too many of these causes them to be kicked from the game
  • Comstab is less aggressive in how quickly it decelerates the ship which will lead to some drift
  • Scoreboard is now bound to the tab key
  • Freelook is now bound right ctrl+tab
  • Crouch is now bound to ctrl
  • G-safe now limits based on ship velocities rather than set points


  • Adjusted handling for multiple ship families
  • Updated lighting system for 300 series
  • 300 series have had their wing mount size changed to the correct value of size 2
  • Aurora headlights system updated to use multiple light sources
  • Hornets have had their ball turret weapon mount size changed to the correct value of size 2
  • Hornets now fold their wings back while landing
  • The Cutlass have had their turret weapon mount size changed to the correct value of size 2
  • M50 can now mount size 2 weapons on its wings if it is not using gimbals
  • Mustang nose turret adjusted to hold size 1 weapons


  • Replaced Mass Driver Cannon fire sound with something more appropriate for a 60mm Ballistic (was laser)
  • Gimbaled weapon mounts have been adjusted so that they now hold weapons that are one size smaller than the mount
  • Fixed mounts are now a part of the ship and allow weapons equal to the slot size to be attached to the ship without the need of an additional equipment
  • Adjusted damage and heat per shot for Sledge II to normalize it vs other size 1 weapons
  • Adjusted missile mass to a more realistic value
  • Rattler second stage rockets are slightly faster and have better acceleration

User Interface

  • Removed Arena Commander UI from all ship cockpits (available through Simpod and escape menu)
  • Removed landing pads from ship radar sphere unless ship is in landing mode
  • G-safe light deactivates when boost is held down
  • Self-destruct is now a customizable binding
  • Holotable now sorts items based on type, subtype (where applicable) and name
  • Holotable can now be interacted with after pressing F (no longer need to press tab)
  • Changed importing custom control setups so that it allows the entire default profile to be overridden based on forum feedback


(PTU) – Denotes an issue from PTU that was fixed


  • REC now reports to the website(PTU)
  • Ships are now able to take off if a pilot reenters a seat after they land using automatic approach(PTU)
  • Fixed multiple issues where landing a ship would prevent it from being able to take off(PTU)
  • Fixed issue where using AMD crossfire would cause the new damage state system to display incorrectly(PTU)
  • Fixed an issue that was causing AI pilots to misjudge the position of a ship they were trying to avoid
  • Fixed final kill alert sound playing any time a ships is destroyed after a pilot reaches 13000 points in battle royale
  • Fixed a bug where calculated torque was occasionally incorrect causing instability in the ship
  • Fixed issue that was causing thrusters to twitch back and forth
  • Fixed Vanduul missiles skipping their flight phase in Coop Vanduul Swarm
  • Enemy and friendly NPC ships are now spawning correctly in Dying Star Vanduul Swarm(PTU)
  • Fixed an issue that was causing time played to be reported incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue where opening the holotable after equipping certain weapons would cause the game to crash(PTU)
  • Increased distance that ships will deploy their landing gear to prevent them from pushing themselves off the landing platform(PTU)
  • Fixed an issue where passengers entering a ship while the pilot is still sitting in the cockpit will cause the pilot to go through the same animations(PTU)
  • Characters should now die when hitting collision at high speed instead of going through it(PTU)
  • Fixed an issue where using HOMAS or TrackIR whilst using Target Focus causes the players head to shake and move uncontrollably
  • Fixed issue where character will sometimes spawn with the helmet on backwards


  • 300 series have their starboard cooling components back
  • 350r now respawns without damaging its components
  • 350r center of mass was in the wrong location and has been corrected*
  • Mustang Beta will no longer have one of the doors in the cabin float above it if it's used
  • Mustang variant ships were using the incorrect thrusters(PTU)
  • Retaliator now appears in the hangar(PTU)


User Interface

  • Fixed an issue that was causing the game client to steal mouse focus when loading into the hangar
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the scoreboard to appear when modifier keys were pressed with the tab button

Known Issues


  • Network divergence can cause situations where it appears like a ship is not taking damage when the shots are actually missing
  • A combination of sprinting and shaking the mouse can cause the character to clip through a number of game objects
  • Sprinting and jumping into walls will sometimes cause the character to fall out of the game world
  • Weapons fire can appear offset from weapon muzzle when fired while moving
  • Entering or exiting a ship will cause other clients to see the character T-pose
  • Characters rolling while prone is not seen by other clients
  • Characters will sometimes fail to animate correctly when exiting the pilot seat after landing
  • Lateral G-Force head animation is too fast which causes the camera to jerk around while strafing


  • All ships aside from the Hornet are missing ship trails when carrying a Core
  • Multiple ships will sometimes tilt back when landing on landing platforms
  • 300i jitters after having landed on a landing pad
  • Aurora intakes aren't displaying paint
  • Aurora are not showing lateral G-force animations for the character
  • Avenger has some doors that cannot be opened in multiplayer
  • Entering the back seat of the Gladiator plays the animation for entering the front seat.
  • Freelancer loading ramp has no collision
  • Cutlass isn't attaching its Trireme thrusters for its default loadout
  • Cutlass Trireme thrusters are not able to be attached in the holotable (this will be left this way until they are ready for use)
  • Character is sunk into the seat when sitting in the Cutlass Blue and Red
  • There will sometimes be an invisible block of collision in the cargo area of the Cutlass after landing the ship
  • Freelancer loading ramp has no collision
  • Freelancer main thrusters are missing
  • Multiple objects in the Retaliator are missing use prompts
  • Retaliator maneuvering thrusters are not in landing mode when in the hangar


  • User folder issues can cause weapon ammunition to go missing as well as other ship component malfunctions
  • Rattler Cluster missile second stage rockets will all use the same trajectory
  • Missiles aren't inheriting velocity from the ship that launches them
  • Seal Corporation shield generators will not be visible when equipped to Hornets

User Interface

  • Lag pips will drop out with increased distance depending on how quickly a ship is approaching their target (only happens within a few hundred meters)
  • Scoreboard is not able to be opened when in spectator mode
  • Shield hardpoint in the holotable is too small for Mustangs and 300 series
  • Ship status HUD for Gladius will display damage incorrectly
  • Missiles have a small portion of the ship targeting UI on them after being launched
  • Multiple in game items and ships are missing text and are displaying their internal names
  • Paint objects in the holotable are placeholders
  • Loading back into a lobby will reset the ship selection to its default (sometimes this doesn't happen visually but still happens on the backend)
  • Power throttle doesn't work


  • There are several locations in the hangars where the character can fall out of the world


Star Citizen Patch v1.1.0