This page provides a summary for each member group of the Star Citizen and Squadron 42 wiki. For a full list of abilities available to member groups, see Special:ListGroupRights.
Unregistered members
Members who have not created an account or logged in cannot edit the wiki. This is partly done to combat spam and vandalism, and prevent displaying IP address publicly.
Registered members
Members who have signed in can edit pages and upload files. They cannot create pages and must answer a CAPTCHA if they wish to make an edit which involves the addition of one or more external links.
Verified members
Members who have verified their wiki account on our Discord channel can create pages, edit semi-protected page, upload new version of files, on top of all the things registered members can do.
Trusted members
Trusted members can move pages and files, and edit templates and some additional namespaces. This permission is granted upon request.
Bots are members with raised limits for the use of bulk edits. This permission is granted upon request.