Sketto rock

From the Star Citizen Wiki, the fidelity™ encyclopedia

An unusual formation found and created in 3.13 by the new planet tech program to develop new worlds. This program had the un-expected ability to generate unique geological anomalies, much like the ones found on Earth. Sketto Rock, named after the explorer Sketto, was found while mapping / mineral survey work. Its a large rock formation high atop a mountain, large enough to land a medium size ship on. It's unique location highlights the beauty of the moon Magda. Sunrises are aw inspiring!

Over the patches Sketto Rock has come and gone with each planet tech iteration. 3.17 brought in the red replace me ball, a place holder hinting CIG is working on a permeant geological feature coming soon. As of 3.22 it has yet to make it into the patch.

Located on the Moon Magda, Sketto Rock became a popular POI. It's a large rock formation atop a mountain, generated by planet tech.


Surface Point Of Interest

POI OM1 558 - OM2 641 - OM3 562 - OM4 638 - OM5 832 - OM6 173
Navigation START AT OM6, HEADING 104 / PITCH -24, Fly down to large mountain formations.



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