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Ship renting

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Visit a local ship rental agency, such as Traveler Rentals, to choose your loaner.
  • Ships and vehicles in Star Citizen are available for rent using in-game money at various locations in the 'verse. Citizens may choose to rent their vessels for the following periods:
  • 1 day
  • 3 days
  • 7 days

All ship rentals include default equipment and full insurance coverage for the rental period. Pilots may carry cargo and store personal equipment aboard rentals, but may not modify the ship's equipment. The mobiGlas ship customization app is disabled for all rentals.

As of Alpha 3.23.0, you can observe a discount when renting ships for multiple days, lowering the cost per day. The current discount ( v4.0.1) is 10% in case of 3 day rent and 25% when renting for 7 day.

Where to rent ships

Manufacturer Ship Role Area18 Lorville New Babbage Orison Cargo Deck Refinery Deck
Aegis Dynamics Avenger Titan Light Freight
Anvil Aerospace C8R Pisces Rescue Light Rescue
C8X Pisces Expedition Expedition
Argo Astronautics RAFT Medium Freight
MOLE Multi-crew


MPUV Tractor Freight Handling
Banu Defender Light Fighter
Consolidated Outland Mustang Alpha Light Freight
Mustang Gamma Racing
Nomad Starter
Crusader Industries C1 Spirit Light Freight
Drake Interplanetary Cutlass Black Medium Fighter / Medium Freight
Cutlass Red Medical
Corsair Exploration / Expedition
Cutter Starter
Dragonfly Racing
Buccaneer Interdiction
Greycat Industrial ROC Mining
STV Ground Transport
Musashi Industrial and Starflight Concern Freelancer Medium Freight
Freelancer MAX Medium Freight
Prospector Mining
Hull A Medium Freight
Reliant Kore Starter
Origin Jumpworks 100i Starter
325a Light Fighter, Interdiction
600i Explorer Expedition, Luxury Touring
M50 Racing / Interdiction
Roberts Space Industries Aurora ES Pathfinder
Aurora LN Light Fighter
Aurora CL Light Freight
Aurora MR Light Fighter
Constellation Andromeda Medium Freight
Constellation Taurus Medium Freight
Ursa Ground Transport
Tumbril Land Systems Cyclone Exploration / Recon

Detailed availability & pricing

Planetary Hubs

Area 18 (ArcCorp)

Traveler Rentals, Riker Memorial Spaceport

Manufacturer Ship Rental Period Price
1 Day 3 Days 7 Days
Aegis Dynamics Avenger Titan 27,165 73,348 142,620
Anvil Aerospace C8R Pisces Rescue 18,632 50,308 97,820
C8X Pisces Expedition 13,891 37,508 72,931
Consolidated Outland Mustang Alpha 9,639 26,026 50,605
Nomad 30,240 81,648 158,760
Crusader Industries C1 Spirit 62,370 168,399 327,443
Drake Interplanetary Dragonfly 8,568 23,134 44,982
Cutter 9,525 25,720 50,010
Greycat Industrial STV 1,890 5,103 9,923
Roberts Space Industries Aurora CL 20,412 55,113 107,163
Aurora ES 6,350 17,147 33,340
aurora LN 22,680 61,236 119,070
Aurora MR 17,010 45,927 89,303
Ursa 2,835 7,655 14,884
Tumbril Land Systems Cyclone 2,598 7,017 13,644

Vantage Rentals in Teasa Spaceport

Manufacturer Ship Rental Period Price
1 Day 3 Days 7 Days
Argo Astronautics Mole 223.256 602,792 1,172,096
Raft 70.875 191,363 372,094
MPUV tractor 10.395 28,067 54,574
Consolidated Outland Mustang Alpha 9.639 33,737 67,473
Drake Interplanetary Dragonfly 8.568 23,134 44,982
Cutlass Red 71.442 ? ?
Corsair 163,800 ? ?
Cutter 15.879 ? ?
Buccaneer 41.580 ? ?
Cutlass Black 52.920 ? ?
Greycat Industrial ROC 2,598 ? ?
STV 1,890 ? ?
MISC Freelancer 62.370 139,766 260,896
Freelancer MAX 85.050 ? ?
Hull A 34.020 ? ?
Reliant Kore 42.997 ? ?
Prospector 73.237 ? ?
Roberts Space Industries Aurora ES 10.584 ? ?
Aurora MR 17.010 ? ?
Aurora LN 22.680 ? ?
Aurora CL 20.412 ? ?
Tumbril Land Systems Cyclone 2,598 5,784 11,568

New Babbage (microTech)

Regal Luxury Rentals in New Babbage Interstellar Spaceport (4.0.1)

Manufacturer Ship Rental Period Price
1 Day 3 Days 7 Days
Banu Banu Defender 155,925 420,998 818,607
Consolidated Outland Mustang Gamma 29,453 79,522 154,626
Origin Jumpworks 100i 28,665 77,396 150,492
300i 34,398 92,875 180,590
325a 46,305 125,024 243,102
600i 680,794 1,838,144 3,574,168
M50 Interceptor 37,485 101,210 196,797
Roberts Space Industries Constellation Andromeda 254,016 685,844 1,333,584
Constellation Taurus 160,877 434,368 844,604
Ursa 2,835 7,655 14,884

Orison (Crusader)

Traveler Rentals in August Dunlow Spaceport

Manufacturer Ship Rental Period Price
1 Day 3 Days 7 Days
Aegis Dynamics Avenger Titan 27,165 73,348 142,620
Anvil Aerospace C8X Pisces 18.632 37,508 72,931
C8R Pisces Rescue 13.891 50,308 97,820
Consolidated Outland Mustang Alpha 9.639 26,026 50,605
Nomad 30.240 81,648 158,760
Crusader Industries C1 Spirit 62,370 168,399 327,433
Drake Interplanetary Dragonfly 8.568 23,134 44,982
Cutter 9.525 25,720 50,010
Greycat Industrial STV 1,890 5,103 9,923
Roberts Space Industries Aurora ES 6.350 17,147 33,340
Aurora CL 20,412 55,113 107,163
Aurora MR 17.010 45,927 89,303
Aurora LN 22.680 61,236 119,070
Ursa 2.835 7,655 14,884
Tumbril Land Systems Cyclone 2,598 7,017 13,644

Cargo Decks

Everus Harbor (Hurston orbit)

Traveler Rentals

Manufacturer Ship Rental Period Price
1 Day 3 Days 7 Days
Argo Astronautics Mole 223.256 602,792 1,172,096
MPUV Tractor 10,395
Consolidated Outland Nomad 30,240
Drake Interplanetary Cutlass Black 52,920
Cutter 9,525
MISC Freelancer max 85,050
Hull A 34,020
Prospector 73,237

Baijini Point (ArcCorp orbit)

Traveler Rentals

Manufacturer Ship Rental Period Price
1 Day 3 Days 7 Days
Argo Astronautics Mole 223.256 602,792 1,172,096
MPUV Tractor 10,395
Consolidated Outland Nomad 30,240
Drake Interplanetary Cutlass Black 52,920
Cutter 9,525
MISC Freelancer max 85,050
Hull A 34,020
Prospector 73,237

Port Tressler (microTech orbit)

Traveler Rentals

Manufacturer Ship Rental Period Price
1 Day 3 Days 7 Days
Aegis Dynamics Avenger Titan 27,166 71,310 142,620
MISC Freelancer 62,370 163,722 327,443
Drake Interplanetary Cutlass Black 42,336 111,132 222,264

Refinery Decks

Rental service is available in Refinery Supplies shop (marked as rafinery admin), at Refinery Deck.

ARC-L1 Wide Forest Station

Manufacturer Ship Rental Period Price
1 Day 3 Days 7 Days
Argo Astronautics Mole 223.256 602,792 1,172,096
MISC Prospector 73,237 192,288 384,496
Drake Interplanetary Cutlass Black 52,920 138,915 277,830
Greycat Industrial ROC 2,598 8,822 13,644

CRU-L1 Ambitious Dream Station

Manufacturer Ship Rental Period Price
1 Day 3 Days 7 Days
Argo Astronautics Mole 223.256 602,792 1,172,096
MISC Prospector 73,237 192,288 384,496
Drake Interplanetary Cutlass Black 52,920 138,915 277,830
Greycat Industrial ROC 2,598 8,822 13,644

HUR-L1 Green Glade Station

Manufacturer Ship Rental Period Price
1 Day 3 Days 7 Days
Argo Astronautics Mole 223.256 602,792 1,172,096
MISC Prospector 73,237 192,288 384,496
Drake Interplanetary Cutlass Black 52,920 138,915 277,830
Greycat Industrial ROC 2,598 8,822 13,644

HUR-L2 Faithful Dream Station

Manufacturer Ship Rental Period Price
1 Day 3 Days 7 Days
Argo Astronautics Mole 223.256 602,792 1,172,096
MISC Prospector 73,237 192,288 384,496
Drake Interplanetary Cutlass Black 52,920 138,915 277,830
Greycat Industrial ROC 2,598 8,822 13,644

MIC-L1 Shallow Frontier Station

Manufacturer Ship Rental Period Price
1 Day 3 Days 7 Days
Argo Astronautics Mole 223.256 602,792 1,172,096
MISC Prospector 73,237 192,288 384,496
Drake Interplanetary Cutlass Black 52,920 138,915 277,830
Greycat Industrial ROC 2,598 8,822 13,644

See also

In-Game Assistance: Renting Ships & Equipment