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Historical figures and recently deceased characters.

Name Race Role Employer Faction Actor
Aaron Fring Human Artist UEE
Abeni Okon Human Historical Figure - First Human born off Earth UEE
Aberdeen Hurston Human
Adaliz Dayan Human UEE
Adelaide Lorris Human Fugitive, Outlaw
Alaine Viktus Human Civilian, Astrophotographer
Aleena Tressler Human Mentor of Magnus Tobin
Amon Murray Human Founder of the Murray Cup UEE
Anthony Tanaka Human Martyr UEE
Antoine Lebec Human NavJumper, discoverer of Nul System UEE
Archibald Hurston Human Former CEO of Hurston Dynamics UPE
Arcturus Koerner Human Head of Bremen Mills
Arial Hurston Human 3rd CEO of Hurston Dynamics
Arlow Gellis Human Anthropologist UEE
Armistead Perry Human Navy general of the UEE Navy UEE
Assan Kieren Human Former Governor of Terra III and Senator of Terra UEE
Astrid Messer Human Seventh Imperator of the UEE UEE
August Dunlow Human
Baron Von Dool Vanduul Ace Pilot Vanduul
Bernadine Clent Human Beam operater UEE
Bernard Cousins Human CEO of Shubin Interstellar UEE
Bloodhound Vanduul Ace Pilot Vanduul
Carla Larry Human Explorer
Chesterfield Hurston Human
Chris Roberts (lore) Human Founder of Roberts Space Industries
Condi Hillard Human Historical Figure, Fought against the Vanduul at Armitage UEE
Corath'Thal Tevarin Tevarin Warlord
Corbyn Salehi Human Imperator of the UEE UEE
Corsen Messer Human Fifth Imperator of the UEE UEE
Dahunsil Kosoko Human Explorer UEE
Damon Huerta Human Explorer UEE
Daniela Argen Human Senator (ULockeIdris) UEE
Deacon Messer Human Second Imperator of the UEE UEE
Deathwish Vanduul Ace Pilot Vanduul
Desmond Hurston Human UEE Navy Pilot
Diyo Nikolas Human Inventor, Co-Founder of BiotiCorp
Dominic Thapa Human
Double E Vanduul Ace Pilot Vanduul
Eduard Hurston Human Hurston Dynamics Administration
Erin Toi Human Twelfth and first elected Imperator of the UEE UEE
Evan Behring Human Founder of Behring
Fabis Capaldi Human 2792 Terra-Net sim-racing champion
Fikri Tobin Human Hacker
Fiona Messer Human UEE
Galor Messer Human Ninth Imperator of the UEE UEE
Gammon Messer Human Designated Heir UEE
Gayatari Deomana Human Imperator of the UEE UEE
Hester Polaris Human Historical Figure - CMDR Hester Polaris, namesake of the Polaris UPE
Illyana Messer Human Sixth Imperator of the UEE UEE
Inácio Santos Melo Human Host, Journalist UEE
Isiah Hurston Human Former CEO of Hurston Dynamics UPE
Issigon Ado Banu 4x Murray Cup Champion Banu Protectorate
Ita Hurston Human Chief Warrant Officer (UPE Navy) United Planets of Earth
Ivar Messer Human First Imperator of the UEE UEE
J. Harris Arnold Human Founder of Anvil Aerospace
CEO of Anvil Aerospace
Lead Designer of Anvil Aerospace
Janis Rezaian Human High-Secretary of the UPE
Janus Artificial Intelligence Artemis Ship AI Humanity
Jared Yildiz Human Celebrity UEE
Jesper Donovin Human UEE
Jim Hester Human Proprietor of "Diamond Jim's Fuelporium", now presumed deceased. UEE
Julie Nadir Human Advocacy Agent UEE
Juliet Maupin Human Aegis Dynamics engineer, weapon and scanner designer UEE
Julius Hurston Human Hurston Dynamics Financial Department
Kamur Dalion Human Historical Figure, Pilot, Battle of Idris IV UEE
Kellar Lench Human Scientist, discovered the Elysium System
Lauda Viscaso Human Co-founder of Otoni Syndicate Otoni Syndicate
Leech Vanduul Ace Pilot Vanduul
Leona Sono Human Explorer
Leonard Casse Human Founder of Casse Aerospace
Linton Messer Human Eleventh Imperator of the UEE, Last of the Messer Era UEE
Lisa Danvers Human Captain of the Artemis
Little King Vanduul Ace Pilot Vanduul
Livia Fenner Human High-Secretary, influential in the introduction of UEC UEE
Livia Messer Human Third Imperator of the UEE UEE
Magda Hurston Human Former CEO of Hurston Dynamics UEE
Magnus Tobin Human Founder of microTech
Maria Wharton Human UEE
Marie Sante Human NavJumper, discoverer of the Horus System
Marius Messer Human Fourth Imperator of the UEE UEE
Marshall Leon Human Former Imperator of the UEE UEE
Martha Shubin Human CEO and Founder of Shubin Interstellar UEE
Mauricio Tusk Human High-Advocate of the UPE
Micah Zahir Human Discoverer of the Oretani system UNE
Michelle Saleno Human Test Pilot
Neal Socolovich Human UEE
Neil Nyemeto Human Explorer
Nick Croshaw Human Discoverer of the first Jump Point (Sol-Croshaw). UEE
Olivia Hurston Human Hurston Dynamics Executive
Patek Coen Human Navjumper, writer
Russel Valem Human Inventor
Samuel Messer Human Eighth Imperator of the UEE UEE
Scott Childress Human Engineer of Quantum Core Engine in RSI
Solomon Hurston Human Founder and CEO of Hurston Dynamics UPE
Ted Santos Human Inventor, Co-Founder of BiotiCorp
Terrence Akari Human Senator (? – Terra – Terra Sys) UEE
The Priest Vanduul Ace Pilot Vanduul
Theresa Branaugh Human
Thessaly Tayac Human Scientist working on the Vespa Project UEE
Tio Quast Human Co-founder of Otoni Syndicate Otoni Syndicate
Ulysses Messer Human Tenth Imperator of the UEE UEE
Upsana Dixit Human
Vernon Tar Human NavJumper
Voodoo (pilot) Vanduul Ace Pilot Vanduul
Yalé Ruá Xi'an First Emperor of the Xi'an Empire Xi'an

Pages in category "Deceased Characters"

The following 105 pages are in this category, out of 105 total.