Quick facts:MPUV-1S
The Argo Astronautics MPUV-1S is a specialized version of the Multi Purpose Utility Vehicle that replaces the utility pod with a dedicated search and rescue section, complete with medical facilities.
Originally suggested as a potential third option during the concept sale of the MPUV Series in 2016, the status of including this specific variant in the game remains uncertain.[1]
Series variants
- ↑ Argo MPUV concept sale. Transmission - Comm-Link
Products of
Products of
List ofVehicles
List of
Cutter (drone)Idris-MSabre PeregrineHammerheadJavelinVanguard SentinelSabre RavenGladius ValiantIdris-PVanguard HarbingerEclipseAvenger StalkerAvenger Titan RenegadeVulcanVanguard HopliteIdris-KSabre CometHammerhead Best In Show EditionReclaimerAvenger TitanReclaimer Best In Show EditionRedeemerGladius PirateRetaliatorGladiusSabreVanguard WardenSabre FirebirdAvenger WarlockNautilus
PaladinF7C-M Hornet Heartseeker Mk IIF7A Hornet Mk IIValkyrieF7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk IIF7A Hornet Mk IF7X Hornet Mk IIF7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk IC8 PiscesF7C Hornet Wildfire Mk ITerrapin MedicArrowF8C LightningOspreyHawkF7C-M Super Hornet Mk IUnidentified F8 Lightning variantF8C Lightning ExecutiveT8A GladiatorF7C Hornet Mk IITerrapinCarrackLegionnaireF7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk ICrucibleF8A LightningF7C Hornet Mk IValkyrie LiberatorF7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk IC8X Pisces ExpeditionLiberatorGladiatorCarrack ExpeditionDevastatorC8R Pisces RescueHurricaneF7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk IIF7C-M Super Hornet Mk II
Cutter RamblerDragonflyKraken PrivateerDragonfly Star KittenCaterpillar Best In Show EditionCorsairCaterpillarCutter ScoutCaterpillar Pirate EditionDragonfly YellowjacketCutlass SteelIroncladCutlass BlackBuccaneerVultureCutlass RedCutterIronclad AssaultCutlass BlueKrakenCutlass Black Best In Show EditionHerald
Aurora ESZeus Mk II CLPegasusMantisScorpius AntaresApollo MedivacConstellation TaurusAurora LXZeus Mk II MRConstellation AquilaAurora MRBengalPerseusAurora LNConstellation PhoenixConstellation Phoenix EmeraldAurora CLOrionGalaxyConstellation AndromedaZeus Mk II ESArrastraScorpiusPolarisApollo Triage
Ground vehicles