Quick facts:Triptaker
Banu Souli (BANU)
MediumShip Matrix sizeShip Matrix size is the vehicle size that CIG uses on the pledge store and ship matrix. It might not match the in-game size and can be outdated for flight ready vehicles.Data sourceShip Matrix
The Triptaker is presumably a medium, Constellation-sized, Banu ship.
In the short story A Gift for Baba (Part 3), Essosouli Draffa owned one such ship. The main chamber of the ship is described as having "intricate, detailed work of Banu craftsmanship glowing in the room’s warm lighting. Different materials and patterns combined in a patchwork along the curving, sweeping walls which met in a high pointed arch." In the story the ship has a crew of 2 Banu traders, & insufficient space for an assortment of cargo & salvageable components.[1]
- ↑ A Gift for Baba Part 3. Serialized Fiction - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2023-04-22
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