The Bearcat was proposed single-seat fighter from Aegis Dynamics developed for Project BRAWLER. Aegis funneled over a billion credits into the design of the ship, and although it was an early front runner in the project and was superior at long-range traditional dogfighting, it failed to meet the project goals of developing a close-range fighter. It was eventually outmatched in the original specifications of the project by the Hawk. This ship is only mentioned in lore.[1]
- ↑ Hawk Brochure. Retrieved 2022-03-13
Products of
Products of
EMP generators
Power plants
Shield generators
List ofVehicles
List of
GladiusVulcanRetaliatorIdris-KSabreVanguard WardenAvenger WarlockHammerhead Best In Show EditionHammerheadJavelinVanguard SentinelIdris-MReclaimer Best In Show EditionGladius PirateVanguard HarbingerGladius ValiantIdris-PAvenger StalkerAvenger Titan RenegadeEclipseVanguard HopliteSabre FirebirdNautilusCutter (drone)Sabre CometReclaimerSabre PeregrineSabre RavenAvenger TitanRedeemer
C8X Pisces ExpeditionF7C Hornet Wildfire Mk ITerrapin MedicOspreyF7C-M Super Hornet Mk IGladiatorUnidentified F8 Lightning variantF8C Lightning ExecutiveT8A GladiatorF7C Hornet Mk IIHurricaneLegionnaireF7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk IF7C Hornet Mk IValkyrie LiberatorValkyrieF7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk ILiberatorCarrack ExpeditionDevastatorC8R Pisces RescueArrowF8C LightningF7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk IIHawkF7C-M Super Hornet Mk IITerrapinCarrackPaladinF7A Hornet Mk IICrucibleF7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk IIF7C-M Hornet Heartseeker Mk IIF7A Hornet Mk IF8A LightningF7X Hornet Mk IIF7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk IC8 Pisces
CorsairGolemCaterpillar Pirate EditionCutter ScoutHeraldCutlass SteelIroncladVultureDragonflyCutterIronclad AssaultKrakenCaterpillarCutlass Black Best In Show EditionDragonfly YellowjacketCutlass BlackCutter RamblerBuccaneerKraken PrivateerCutlass RedCutlass BlueCaterpillar Best In Show EditionDragonfly Star Kitten
Constellation AndromedaPerseusPolarisConstellation Phoenix EmeraldAurora ESPegasusMantisConstellation TaurusGalaxyAurora LXConstellation AquilaAurora MRBengalZeus Mk II ESScorpiusApollo TriageArrastraConstellation PhoenixZeus Mk II CLAurora LNScorpius AntaresApollo MedivacOrionZeus Mk II MRAurora CL
Ground vehicles