The Bearcat was proposed single-seat fighter from Aegis Dynamics developed for Project BRAWLER. Aegis funneled over a billion credits into the design of the ship, and although it was an early front runner in the project and was superior at long-range traditional dogfighting, it failed to meet the project goals of developing a close-range fighter. It was eventually outmatched in the original specifications of the project by the Hawk. This ship is only mentioned in lore.[1]
- ↑ Hawk Brochure. Retrieved 2022-03-13
Products of
Products of
EMP generators
Power plants
Shield generators
List ofVehicles
List of
Avenger Titan RenegadeEclipseAvenger StalkerVanguard HopliteReclaimer Best In Show EditionSabre CometGladius PirateReclaimerSabre FirebirdRedeemerAvenger TitanSabre PeregrineGladiusRetaliatorNautilusSabreVanguard WardenCutter (drone)Avenger WarlockSabre RavenJavelinVanguard SentinelIdris-MHammerheadHammerhead Best In Show EditionVanguard HarbingerVulcanIdris-KGladius ValiantIdris-P
Valkyrie LiberatorT8A GladiatorF7C Hornet Mk IArrowF8C LightningLegionnaireHawkF7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk ITerrapinCarrackCrucibleC8R Pisces RescueF8A LightningF7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk IILiberatorF7C-M Super Hornet Mk IICarrack ExpeditionDevastatorC8X Pisces ExpeditionPaladinGladiatorF7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk IIF7C-M Hornet Heartseeker Mk IIF7A Hornet Mk IIF7A Hornet Mk IF7X Hornet Mk IIF7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk IHurricaneF7C Hornet Wildfire Mk ITerrapin MedicF7C-M Super Hornet Mk IUnidentified F8 Lightning variantF8C Lightning ExecutiveOspreyC8 PiscesValkyrieF7C Hornet Mk IIF7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I
Cutter ScoutCaterpillarCutlass SteelIronclad AssaultCutterDragonfly YellowjacketVultureBuccaneerCutlass BlackCutlass Black Best In Show EditionCutlass RedKrakenCutlass BlueCutter RamblerHeraldCaterpillar Best In Show EditionKraken PrivateerGolemDragonflyCaterpillar Pirate EditionDragonfly Star KittenCorsairIronclad
Constellation PhoenixAurora LNGalaxyOrionAurora CLZeus Mk II ESScorpiusApollo TriageArrastraConstellation AndromedaZeus Mk II CLPolarisScorpius AntaresApollo MedivacAurora ESPegasusZeus Mk II MRMantisConstellation TaurusPerseusAurora LXConstellation AquilaAurora MRBengalConstellation Phoenix Emerald
Ground vehicles